“It’s as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you’re focused on a castle or a button.” – Abraham-Hicks

The most basic principle of the Law of Attraction is to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. As simple as it may sound, it is not always that easy to do. In fact, if we could focus exclusively on what we want rather than what we don’t want, we would all be Manifest Wizards. Although we know better, we often focus on the problem, on unpaid bills, on the fear of losing our job, our lover, our health, our appearance …

This article was inspired by a recent conversation with a neighbor. He asked me what I had been up to and I responded with a list of activities that included training, writing, having fun with new friends, walking on the beach, hiking in the mountains, and basically enjoying a great life. To which my neighbor replied, “Well, I guess that’s better than being depressed.” As strange as a comment I thought was, it struck me right then and there that the only difference between a great life and a depressed life is where you focus your attention. Wow, that’s great!

You already know the exercise: what you focus on expands. Energy flows where attention goes. Even the Jedi wisdom of Star Wars informs us: “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” The focus includes thinking, planning, and visualizing. It also includes worrying about, fearing and fighting against, which means that if you focus on opportunities, you will have more opportunities. If you focus on the obstacles, you will get more obstacles.

Really, is it harder to focus on love, abundance, and dreams come true than to focus on money problems, painful relationships, or fears and worries? No, it’s not. It just takes practice. The first step is to observe what you are concentrating and thinking about most of the time. Next, acknowledge your power to choose what you focus on. Then make a conscious decision to focus on the good things.

Everything is determined by where you place your focus, therefore it is a very good idea:

  • focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.
  • focus on what you have, not what you don’t have.
  • focus on what you like, not what you don’t like.
  • focus on what feels good, not what feels bad.
  • focus on the solution, not the problem.
  • Focus on the joy, not the pain.
  • focus on abundance, not scarcity.
  • focus on why it will happen, not why it won’t happen.
  • focus on having it all, not settling for less.
  • focus on where you are going, not where you have been.

Think of Tiger Woods sinking a perfect putt, Itzhak Perlman hitting an accurate note on the fiddle, or investment genius Warren Buffet poking at financial statements. What do these extraordinary individuals have in common? They all focus with laser precision on their targets. Everyone has mastered the magic of focus.

Let’s take a closer look at Tiger Woods. With the help of his father, Tiger was able to develop an extraordinary ability to focus, concentrate and be in the present moment, at a young age. After the first round of his first international tournament, his father asked him what he was thinking as he stood on that first shot. Tiger replied, “Where I wanted my ball to go, Dad.” “That’s when I knew, says Earl Woods, how good it was going to be.” Tiger blocks everything else and concentrates on where he wants that ball to go. The mental focus he brings to golf is what sets Tiger apart from his competition.

So what are you focusing on? I’m not sure? Look at your life. Your life is a perfect reflection of where you are focusing your attention. If you like the reflection, great, keep it up. If the image needs a little adjustment, no problem, you can change your life by changing your focus. As you focus more on what you want and less on what you don’t want, you become the conscious creator of your own precious life. Since what you focus on determines your reality, wouldn’t you agree that the magic of focus is worth mastering? With the Law of Attraction and the Magic of Focus, you can truly be, do, and have whatever you want.

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