5 Common Cartoon Character Archetypes

Whether we’re looking at Shakespeare or SpongeBob, there are stock character archetypes that appear in stories across time and cultures. Archetypes are characterized or classified by their role or purpose in a story. The classic archetypes of a good story include the protagonist and the antagonist, the mentor, the sidekick, and the love interest. Let’s …

Definition of marketing strategy

Marketing strategy is your broad plan for achieving your marketing goals. The word “strategy” entered marketing from the military. Some other words with the same origin are “defend”, “attack”, “intelligence” and “tactical”. To be very clear about the meaning of this term, let’s differentiate it from terms such as marketing plan and marketing mix. The …

Top 7 Tips for Success with a Travel Blog

For travelers, starting a travel blog is not a bad idea. By sharing your travel ideas and experiences, you get not only pleasure, but also an opportunity to earn money online. Passionate travelers like Kate (from Adventurous Kate), Matt (from Nomadic Matt), Earl (from Wandering Earl) and Stephanie (from Twenty Something Travel) have managed to …

How to write awesome testimonials for Orkut friends and loved ones?

Testimonials are also a silent way of admiration that you give to your friends because sometimes you don’t tell all that to your friends that you sign up a testimonial for them. You will be amazed at how your relationships with the people you have written a testimonial for will improve. Every orkut user likes …

Numerology of a sex symbol: Marilyn Monroe

[This article is neither intended to extol nor defame Marilyn Monroe. Its purpose is simply to reveal the relationship between some aspects of her life and her numbers in furthering the understanding of numerology as a science.] In a world of notoriety, some people become famous, some achieve stardom, others transcend their celebrity to become …

Benefits of Selling Products in Information Marketing Business

In my opinion, the best home business in the world is the information marketing business. What is “marketing information”? Well, it’s simply the process of selling how-to information in the form of: books, e-books, CDs, DVDs, newsletters, seminars, and even membership sites. This is the ultimate lifestyle business. And it’s even better online. Many people …

Algae growth problem in Florida Springs, phosphate industry shows poor environmental stewardship

One reason for Florida’s spring degradation dilemma is that, until recently, no one thought to monitor flow rates, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentrations, and algae growth or “Water Chemistry” in Florida Springs. The scientific community incorrectly considered these variables to be stable, so the chemistry of the spring water was not controlled. It is now known …