Follow these below mentioned tips and advice and say no to high blood pressure, high tone, sore throats and emotional breakdown.

This is how you can gain your child’s trust without resorting to yelling, scowling, or bribing!

  • Set your expectations well and be consistent with them – For starters, let your child understand what is right or wrong, and set clear and exact expectations from the start. Once this is done, make sure you never ignore bad behavior. Sticking to your rules is a very important thing to help your child realize that a bad action is always a bad action, no matter what. Therefore, ignoring your child’s tantrums because he is sick is certainly unnecessary and unacceptable. So, never let your rules get weak.
  • Good behavior deserves recognitionAs important as it is to let your child know that you won’t tolerate anything bad, it is essential to help him recognize the fact that you will always support and encourage good behavior. When they are appreciated for their good deeds, they will do them often. So one of the best positive parenting techniques is to show your child that he is good, to help him stay that way.
  • Never resort to briberyNow this is something that most parents don’t follow. You may think that tempting your child with his favorite chocolate or candy can help him snap out of his tantrums for the moment, but you need to understand that by doing so, you are inviting a critical problem to avoid a brief one. All the child will understand from this is: be bad and get a reward! Therefore, avoid bribing your child at all costs.
  • Talk to your child and listen too – Another important thing is to ‘be there’ with your child. Most of the times it has been observed that children misbehave just to get the attention of their parents. So instead of giving them a chance to do it, why aren’t you just with them in the first place? One of the positive tips for parents is to always maintain proper eye contact with your child while communicating with them and to be extremely friendly and responsive. Don’t forget that nonverbal communication can be a great tool in helping your child understand her love for him. So, wear it right and shower those smiles and hugs quite often!
  • Take care of yourself tooThere is no denying the fact that you need to take good care of your child, but in doing so, don’t forget about yourself. Understand that if you are tired or bored, you will not be able to guide your child well and take care of him in the right way. So, have a healthy diet and get adequate rest. If the need arises, you can even enlist the help of your family and friends to care for your child in the best possible way.

Always remember: the way you behave with your child will determine and affect the way they treat themselves in the future, and perhaps forever. Therefore, exercise positive parenting to create a positive human being, one that is full of life, loving and genuine.

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