Pregnancy is a beautiful but challenging time in a woman’s life. For every joyous discovery there is a disappointing development, such as skin breakouts or hair loss.

However, the modern mother-to-be is in luck, as manufacturers have begun to recognize the special needs of the pregnant body. In fact, there are literally hundreds of products on the market today that address some of the most common discomforts pregnant women face during their nine-month journey.

Skin care is an area in which manufacturers tend to target, a success, since taking care of the largest organ in our body is one of the main concerns of many women who are on the verge of becoming mothers.

With so many options available, it can be quite a daunting task to find what will work best for you. How does a pregnant woman find skin care products that are safe and effective?

think organic

Once upon a time, people thought of organic as something vegetarians and neo-hippies bought out of paranoid concerns about pollutants. Today, we realize that the neo-hippies were right, as the FDA and various health watchdog organizations have begun to show that health and beauty items such as lotions and creams were packed with toxic substances.

In fact, a conventional lotion can contain several cancer-causing chemicals that could harm reproductive health. The use of such substances during pregnancy could be extremely dangerous for both the mother and the baby.

On the other hand, true organic health and beauty items are free of the things that can cause harm to you and your precious little one.

Below are some products that a resourceful mom who is interested in organic skin care can look into to start her beauty regimen.

o Cream for stretch marks: Every mother, whether she is having her first child or her fifth, worries about stretch marks. The good news is that manufacturers of organic lotions and creams understand this and have created belly butters and moisturizers packed with pure botanicals that will help your skin glow.

o Body Toning Oil – Pregnant women are also concerned about sagging skin after childbirth, but using toning oils can help prevent this from happening if used correctly. Producers of organic products make all natural body toning oils with tried and true substances like avocado, pomegranate, and jojoba oils that increase collagen production and help skin retain its elasticity.

o Body cleansing: Buying organic shampoos, body washes, and soaps is another great way to keep your baby’s skin soft and free of harsh drying chemicals.

To find organic products, you can visit a holistic food store in your neighborhood or search for organic distributors online. Always check the ingredient list as well, as some companies can legally use very few chemical-free substances in their formulas and still earn an organic rating. To be sure, look for the “certified organic” label. This often means that it is 100 percent organic and 100 percent natural.

You and your baby deserve the best possible start when it comes to the mother-child relationship. Taking good care of yourself during pregnancy with rest and proper skin care is a step in the right direction.

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