3 Low-Carb Versions of Pasta Dishes Worth Trying

Pasta is one of the best comfort foods out there. However, even one serving can mean a lot of carbs, which isn’t ideal for anyone trying to eat healthy or lose weight. But don’t worry, you can substitute ingredients to create a healthy, low-carb version of your favorite pasta dish without compromising taste and flavor. …

Exercise to reduce abdominal fat for a woman at home: the Russian twist

Exercise to reduce female abdominal fat at home: the Russian twist If the dog in your tummy is the pain in your mirror, then it’s time to act once and for all. Exercise to reduce abdominal fat for a woman at home and a healthy diet is the key. However, knowledge about how her body …

Nutrition and fertility: the diet to get pregnant faster

Based on highly respected long-term research, the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, here are some examples of fertility-boosting dietary strategies to help a woman achieve pregnancy. Their recommendations are in line with the observed link between what the nurses ate and whether they became pregnant. 1. Protein Having more plant protein and less animal protein helps …