“Knowing how to grow old is the master word of wisdom and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living,” says a wise man.

Better standards of living and higher education have prolonged life beyond the proverbial ‘three score and ten’. Youth in its contempt for old age may call it “second childhood”, but this may be a wonderful new opportunity to grow, develop and embark on a journey of rediscovery.

The times they Are a changing. Science and technology have gifted the elderly with health and longevity. The best vision is ensured by intraocular lens replacements and laser surgery. Clogged arteries are treated with angioplasty and bypass surgery. Hip replacement and surgery encourages physical activity. Drugs and vitamins put that youthful spring in the footsteps of the elderly. Thus, the elderly have no excuse for being “feverish, selfish lumps of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making them happy.”

Age is a mental quality. Humans can be young in their 70s or old and hunched over in their 30s. Age is not counted in years or gray hair. But a person grows old when he has no enthusiasm for living, has no interest or curiosity about his surroundings, and has no desire for adventure.

Age is not something to be terrified of, nor is retirement to be considered the end of the world. Planning for this chapter of life should begin long before retirement. There must be a determination to make each day worthwhile. Retirement guarantees great freedom. One is no longer tyrannized by the clock or work constraints. There are no deadlines to meet or colleagues to compete with. Giving up the rat race allows one to seek a deeper understanding of the meaning of life. However, this does not mean inactivity or inactivity. Such a lifestyle would lead to boredom, loss of self-confidence, and pity.

Coping with retirement constructively and budgeting time wisely requires a five-point formula.

HAVE CONFIDENCE. Taking care of our emotional health is as important as taking care of our physical health. We need to hold onto our self-esteem and appreciate our own worth and importance. The way we think, feel, and behave defines our ability to enjoy life. A positive outlook will help you cope with loneliness, rejection, disappointments, and ensure a speedy recovery. It is important to make the right decisions about our lives and also to stay connected with family, friends and the life around us. Many older people cannot develop the self-confidence to do this because they do not genuinely love themselves.

INTELLECTUAL ABILITY. According to Canadian aging expert Dr. Howard Chertkow, 80% of older people retain their intellectual capacity to the end, although some develop mild intellectual impairment and a small percentage suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

There are three types of memory: episodic (for special events), semantic (for knowledge and facts), and implicit (for automatically performed skills and exercises).

The last two do not decrease with age. Even episodic memory is stable until the mid-60s. But a drop after the age of 70, such as losing your keys or forgetting to do something important, is a normal aging phenomenon.

Age-related memory loss can be due to decreasing levels of dopamine that alter chemical reactions in the brain. There is also a genetic component. Those whose parents had good memories do better.

However, multitasking can be difficult. Better to tackle one job at a time.

The brain also needs exercise to keep it working properly. Reading newspapers, books, solving crosswords or sudoko puzzles, participating in intellectually stimulating activities helps to keep the brain active.

BE INTERESTING AND FLEXIBLE. Having a wide social network of friends of all ages is a definite advantage. This can stimulate the exchange of ideas and friendly discussions on topics of general interest. It also encourages bonding with new friends.

Older people must keep abreast of contemporary issues. Those who read a lot for their own pleasure are mentally more agile than those who are forced to do so. Bibliophilia opens new worlds of literature, science, politics or history. Keeping the mind agile is exposing it to new stimuli. Psychologists believe that those who take an active interest in the world around them have found the recipe for a long life. These people also show higher IQs than those who are mired in self-pity.

Older people have a vast general knowledge. They recall historical events and details of people and incidents that can be shared with the youth. They can be good mentors for young people who seem disoriented and confused in today’s social environment.

Mentoring grandchildren can be rewarding. One must be open to new ideas and trends and not stick to rigid points of view. Listening quietly and carefully will build confidence and trust. They will be more willing to turn to you for advice on their personal problems. Helping them become confident young people is satisfying.

Women who have retired from work or whose children have grown up can work as mentor mothers for disadvantaged or abandoned children. They can take on the role of parents, teachers, guides, or friends.

Having a spouse who stimulates you intellectually is also a great advantage.

Joining a group of seniors can be helpful. With travel concessions, it will be possible to organize excursions to interesting places.

BE ACTIVE. Aging is not a disease. Staying in shape through exercise can help maintain aerobic power. Walking is a simple exercise. Even 15 minutes of brisk walking every day can be beneficial. Jogging, stretching, yoga, biking, swimming are other exercises that keep limbs flexible and muscles flexible. The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (the oxygen supplied to the body with each heartbeat) is increased. Therefore, the brain also benefits. Mental alertness and performance improve. Those who exercise are about seven years ahead in cognitive skills than those who lead sedentary lives. The goal should be to exercise regularly, but not too much. Exercises should be planned taking into account the physical strength of the person.

Fred Kasch, a man in his eighties, used to run an exercise physiology lab in San Diego. He made a difference in the lives of seniors through his exercise schedules. His two-decade follow-up led him to the conclusion that only 1/3 of the body’s aerobic decline is due to old age. The rest is due to laziness and inactivity.

Regular exercises make one feel alive and full of vitality. It reduces bad cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of heart attacks, vascular diseases, and dementia by increasing blood circulation. However, one must know their limits and not fall down from exhaustion.

Cultivating interesting hobbies can also help keep you active. Stamp collecting, gardening, painting, reading, music, and learning to play a musical instrument can provide hours of pleasure. The computer has opened the world to people who cannot leave home. Armchair trips to exotic destinations, chats with friends or family, scientific discoveries, political news! Everything at your fingertips! Many people begin to travel the world, discovering new places and cultures after retirement, when family obligations are over and there is time and money to spare.

Unfortunately, in India and other Eastern countries, inactivity is imposed on the elderly. They are considered fit only to entertain their grandchildren. Sometimes they are overloaded with request, at other times they are sloppy as non-entities. They can suffer physical, psychological and financial abuse. Approximately 33-47% suffer moderate abuse and 19-42% severe abuse.

BE SOBER. At this stage of life, you eat to live. It may be wise to drink, eat, and smoke in moderation. Current concepts of a healthy diet include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Seafood is rich in vitamins A, D, B and minerals like zinc and calcium. Seafood is said to relieve arthritis, improve vision, keep the immune system in tune, and prevent common skin ailments.

Limiting meat and fat, reducing salt and sugar, and consuming lots of fruits and vegetables can heal aging bodies. “No love is more sincere than the love of food,” says Bernard Shaw. But overeating and obesity can accelerate aging. Fatty foods also cause strokes and brain damage.

Drinking too much alcohol causes red blood cells to stick together into little balls. These clog capillaries and cause atrophy of groups of brain cells.

Age is not an obstacle to sex. Older people do not need to feel restricted by the attitudes and prejudices of others.

Aging makes you vulnerable to diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Mini strokes affect blood flow to the brain and can cause dementia.

Regular checkups are important. One should discuss with the doctor the details about the prescribed drug and find out about the side effects. Some drugs can have adverse effects on the brain.

TO BE PREPARED. Life is a journey with an end. On the night of life, it is important to accept death, to die, and then. Faith in God is a buffer against stress and is linked to a long and healthy life. The hope and optimism that religion offers has a positive effect on the immune system. Peace with God and with neighbor, facilitates the final exit.

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