Wide-plank flooring has certainly made a comeback. It is available in a variety of colors, widths, and materials. There are price ranges to fit anyone’s budget and styles to fit every person’s home. This type of flooring brings beauty, inspiration, class and greater value to a home. You can find many types of wide plank flooring. Material options include bamboo, wood, and laminate, just to name a few.

There are advantages to each type and it will really come down to the type of home you have. If you have pets and small children or a lot of traffic, you may benefit from the comfort and durability of laminate. As a connoisseur of old American tradition or timeless elegance, he may prefer the look and hand of classic wood. Maybe you are going green and would like the ecology and sustainability of bamboo.

Whatever material you select, the possibilities seem limitless. The width you choose, available from four to 20 inches from most manufacturers, can help accentuate your home’s decorum. With all the color options, take the opportunity to experiment. Talk to the salesperson about bringing home color swatches. Try them in each room and see if the color “feels” with your abode.

Keep in mind that if you are considering going with wood, you will have even more options to choose from. Wide-plank hardwood flooring comes in a variety of species. Some of the selections include ash, cherry, pine, hickory, maple, oak, walnut, chestnut, cypress, and mahogany. Combine these options with the diverse variety of stains and finishing products available on the market, and you may have the floor of your dreams.

Unless you are an avid and experienced do-it-yourselfer, wide-plank flooring installation should be left to professionals. If this really is a venture you’d like to tackle on your own, there are many varieties of books and articles available on the subject of flooring installation. However, it will by no means be an easy task.

The maintenance and care of your new floor will depend on the variety you have installed. The manufacturer should provide basic cleaning and care tips. There are several things you can do to help prevent damage to your floor. Using felt pads on the bottom of furniture legs and under the edges of heavy entertainment pieces helps prevent dings and dings. Placing an area rug inside the door helps trap dirt, grime, and grit before it can be tracked all over your beautiful floor. An additional tip that will work for the home is to place a shoe rack or basket near the front doors. Have slippers or flip-flops available for guests to slip into after removing their shoes. For those who really want to make sure nothing gets tracked, you can even buy disposable shoe covers to keep right inside the door and make your business slide on its feet when they walk inside.

The wide plank flooring options really seem endless, but start looking at your options, make a decision, and then take the plunge. Your neighbors will envy you and your home will thank you!

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