Artist and repertoire

That’s what A&R stands for and a very basic job description for this position. An A&R representative is responsible for finding, signing, and developing new acts. In theory, although this is not entirely true on all labels, an A&R representative goes to the shows to find new bands, tries to get them to sign a record deal, and then works with them during the album recording process to establish the artist. with songwriters and producers and then choose the best songs for the album. An A&R person’s career depends on the success of the musicians they discover, and they typically earn a very small percentage of royalties from their artists’ record sales.

Shows and late nights

If you have an interest in A&R, you better be a night person. While some showings may take place during the day, most work will include going to shows, sometimes several a night, to see the latest and greatest bands, or even some really terrible bands that make your ears hurt live. Also, depending on your level, you may need to spend a lot of time searching the internet for the latest hot bands.

Not all glitz and glamor

Obviously, not all the talented bands live in New York or Los Angeles and neither do all the A&R folks. In fact, some of the people responsible for finding your favorite band may have been small town record store clerks who have a good relationship with someone at a record label and can inform you about upcoming bands. These people will often be given a finder fee for their tips that pay off. Some A&R representatives are regional and focus their searches on the area where they live. They can find the next big thing without having the opportunity to participate in the development process.


Arguably A&R reps have been losing their power in recent years. Between the digital music revolution and the popularity of American Idol, it’s easier than even for a musician to build a following without using traditional methods. Using sites like YouTube, ReverbNation, Ourstage, and MySpace, many bands in recent years have already built a large fan base before the industry begins to take notice. This, in a way, has removed some of the work and risk for A&R reps (who often say they are only as good as the last artist they signed). The rise of digital music has also helped democratize the industry and give independent labels more power and equality, and many of these labels do not have dedicated A&R people. In many cases, an A&R person on an independent label is anyone in whatever department who finds and brings in a great band. It will be interesting to see how this traditionally important musical role will continue to evolve over the years. However, whether or not there is always a specific job for A&R representatives, there will always be a need for people to find new talent and use the skills involved in A&R. However, I will save it for another post.

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