Trivial Pursuit was originally a board game that tested players’ knowledge of general and popular culture. It was created in 1979 by Scott Abbott, who one day discovered that pieces were missing from his Scrabble and decided with some friends to create his own game which, after some development, was released in 1982. By 1984, more than 20 million games had been sold. and were sold in 26 countries in 17 languages. Trivial Pursuit has been made into television shows in several countries, including the US, England, and Spain, and the game itself has also been featured on several television shows, including Seinfeld.

Trivial Pursuit has also been a highly competitive game with people really excited about the questions, certainly everyone has that fact that they learned playing trivia that they will never forget. There have been various editions to suit different age ranges, including Trivial Pursuit Junior and Trivial Pursuit Family, as well as the original Trivial Pursuit. To celebrate 25 years of this beloved game, there will be a boxed re-release of the game as well as an online version with a version available for PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 (and Live).

With various game modes such as multiplayer and single player, there are some good games like ‘clear the board’ to name just one within the single player mode. The visuals are good and there are a lot of new questions and types that are exclusive to the console version and it allows you to play as a family at home on the living room TV. On the downside, the questions get a bit repetitive after a while and while the quality of the trivia questions is good, some of you will be left thinking of random art books that you swear were never written! Overall, EA has developed a pretty solid outlet for the adoption of a classic board game in the gaming world, though whether these games translate very well is an entirely different question.

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