Traveling for business can be expensive. Even if you have per diem or get reimbursed, it can still be expensive, for you and your employer. There are several ways you can pinch pennies to save money. From where you stay to what you eat, you can reduce the total cost of your trip so you don’t break the bank and take the company with you.

  1. Don’t stay in a hotel. Hotels can be very expensive. Most are not going to offer you any type of discount for staying there more than one night either. While you may get reward points, that doesn’t help lower the cost of your current trip. Corporate and executive apartments can be much more affordable.
  2. Cook your own food. Eating out is one of the main reasons why business travel is so expensive. If you rent corporate apartments, you have a whole kitchen at your disposal. You can do a lot of your own cooking and save money.
  3. Wash your own clothes. Shipping your clothes also adds up. When you’re in a hotel, you don’t have a choice. However, with an apartment, there is a washer and dryer inside to help you do your own laundry.
  4. Avoid spending the night in a bar. It can be lonely traveling, so to get out and avoid being in the confines of a hotel with nothing to do, you should hit the bar. The corporate apartments are equipped with a sofa, an armchair and even cable TV so you can hang out and enjoy yourself.
  5. Stay close to work. If you find yourself traveling a lot when you’re on business, it may be due to the fact that you’re a long way from where you need to be. Stick closer and gas won’t be as expensive.
  6. Rent a smaller car. If it’s just you and maybe one other person, there’s no need to have a big fancy car. Rental companies charge based on how small the car is. You may be able to save hundreds of dollars by going down a size.
  7. Stake. If there is more than one traveling at the same time, it may be more economical to share corporate apartments. You may not be able to share a hotel room, but an apartment has multiple rooms, ensuring your privacy.
  8. Don’t go to the movies. You don’t have to go to the movies when corporate apartments have a TV, DVD player and microwave for popcorn.
  9. Work from home. If you spend time in coffee shops or internet cafes for work, consider finding a spot with Wi-Fi in your room.
  10. Avoid receiving massages. When you stay in a hotel on an uncomfortable bed, your back is usually killing you by the end of the week. You can avoid getting massages on business trips by staying somewhere that gives you a bigger, more comfortable bed, like those found in corporate apartments.

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