This TIBCO Tutorial teaches you how to create a process definition that writes the words “Hello, world!” in a file using TIBCO Designer. You’ll really appreciate how easy it is to do with TIBCO. The beauty of application development with TIBCO Designer is that you do not need to know programming syntax to perform most tasks. Take, for example, the syntax for writing to a file so that it can output “Hello world!” in the File. This task requires knowledge of the file writing syntax specific to the programming language being used. With the TIBCO Designer tool, all you have to do is place the appropriate activity (in this case, the Write File activity) in the process. After that, provide the file path and the text content of “Hello, World!” in the activity settings. So that’s it! You don’t need to know the syntax and usage of the appropriate classes behind the scenes. This tutorial is a good demonstration of how TIBCO increases developer productivity. Enjoy!

Writing the output to a file can be accomplished by creating and configuring a Write File activity in TIBCO Designer. The steps to do so are as follows:

  1. Create a new empty project called XmarterTIBCOTutorials.
  2. Inside the root XmarterTIBCOTutorials folder, create a new folder called business processes.
  3. Inside the BusinessProcesses folder, create a new folder called Bonjour Monde.
  4. Inside the HelloWorld folder, add a process definition called Bonjour Monde.
  5. add a write file activity in the process definition. Configure the Write File activity as follows:
    • Go to the input activity tab:
      • In it file name field type “C:/HelloWorld.txt”.
      • In it text content field type “Bonjour Monde!”
    • When you’re done, click the Apply in the Write File and Save Entire Project activity.
  6. Create a transition line from the start activity to the file write activity and another from the file write activity to the end activity.
  7. Validate the resource and make sure there are no errors before testing the process.
    • To do this, deselect all activities by clicking on a blank space within the process definition. Then click on the validate resource in the top section of TIBCO Designer.
  8. Go to the Proof tab on the left side of TIBCO Designer. Click on the start testing button. In the dialog box that appears, click the charging and starting current button.
    • The process should now run.
  9. To check the output, go to My computerand open the c drive. Check that it contains a HelloWorld.txt file with a “Bonjour Monde!” text written to the file.

I hope this TIBCO Tutorial it has been useful to you. As you can see in the steps above, no coding is required to write text to a file. Most of the work is actually in the Write File activity. The steps I had you create the project folders in were just for good project organization. Those steps were not required for actual functionality.

This is just one of many cases where TIBCO dramatically increases developer productivity. In my opinion, developer productivity is one of the reasons that makes TIBCO such an amazing tool for application development.

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