Digital Marketing brings with it a great evolution in the field of marketing and no matter what industry the concept is interpreted in, there is always room for innovation and creativity. Unfortunately, Dubai Real Estate has not embraced this concept well in recent times, and most digital marketers have followed a Pied Piper (of Hamelin) approach that is missing the true essence of digital marketing. Most marketers try to copy each other’s concept and sometimes even illegally disguise their concept art to grab leads online, which while it works great for numbers, is next to none when it comes to conversion due to quality.

In marketing basics, it is taught that each product has its own Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and therefore has a different target audience, where one marketing strategy cannot be applied to everyone. The setback of not following this concept has brought digital marketing to a stage where almost the same advertisements are exposed to the same audience over and over again via social media, emails, SMS and online portals, which it dilutes interest and confuses a genuine customer. what to opt for in the midst of this war of similar offers on all digital channels. In addition, there has been a huge waste of resources in this process that could have been better capitalized on if a best utilization approach had been adopted. One of the main reasons observed behind this scenario is the gap that exists between the marketing team and their actual real estate experience. Generally, organizations when they outsource their marketing campaigns to external agencies, the objective of both parties is different where the organization aims to save costs for the marketing campaign and on the other hand, the marketing agencies focus on generating more customer numbers. so they can discuss their upcoming contract renewals. In the whole process, it strips away the essence of advertising the USP of the property, and instead of targeted marketing, the focus goes to the concept of mass marketing which, again, goes against the literature of digital marketing. . The only happy party in this scenario is the service provider that is Google and Facebook as their business earns more revenue as the competition intensifies and companies are willing to pay more for the same campaign.

Digital marketing especially social media, SEO and SEM mostly works on structuring offers for a certain audience group and of course the most powerful offer wins the race but a highly experienced marketer would always go for an optimal bidding strategy in a specific target segment. which would significantly reduce the cost per qualified lead and eventually utilize the digital marketing concept to its fullest. It is high time for marketers, and especially digital marketers, to realize the full potential of digital marketing and bridge the gap between Dubai Real Estate knowledge and the marketing approach that will deliver better results right away. . The second step includes researching the appropriate target audience for a specific property and justifying the time spent on this research that would discriminate quality versus quantity overall.

The culprit in this situation cannot be blamed solely on digital marketers, but industry leaders and decision-making management have also contributed greatly to failing to allocate the right resources at the right time to the right places. First, internal digital marketing is highly recommended, as the stakeholders involved in the campaign are many times exposed to sensitive customer data and an internal marketing resource would not only be more focused on generating quality leads, but it would respect the values ​​of the organization and not place false or flashy advertisements that, in the long run, only result in wasted monetary resources. Additionally, there should always be experienced real estate staff working closely with the marketing team to ensure research and messaging is appropriate and accurate. In the event that the organization intends to outsource marketing campaigns, it is highly recommended to assign experienced staff as a point of contact for the agency who would not only monitor progress, but also work closely with slogan and message campaigns that they would only ensure success in the long run

Although the current situation does not paint a very good picture for digital marketing in real estate, if this Pied Piper approach is not followed and the right people with the right resources use the right tools, there is still much to be extracted. The benefits of digital marketing.

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