Are you about to buy an ergonomic chair and are you thinking of including those customizable armrests? Armrests can seem unimportant compared to an ergonomic keyboard or mouse, just as priorities are often higher for the backrest than for the arm. So read on to explore its benefits.

In our desk jobs, we use our upper body more rigorously. For example, we are in constant movement of shoulders, hands and wrists when we write at our desk.

No matter how advanced your ergonomic workstation is, the position in which you work (with your arms folded on the desk as you type) is not neutral. Neutral position means when your body is in the predetermined position or in the natural position. For example, the neutral position of the arms is to hang down.

Stretching or placing your arms on the desk for hours at a time causes tension and stiffness in the shoulders and arms.

The benefits of an ergonomic armrest

1. Allow your arms and shoulders to be in a relaxed position.

2. Minimize your tendency to make forceful movements.

3. Supports the arms to avoid strain on the shoulder muscles.

4. Helps maintain a “neutral writing position.”

How to choose the right one for you

The principles of ergonomics have to do with adapting the workstation to the worker so that their movements at work are as natural or “neutral” as possible.

Therefore, when choosing the armrests, they should be adjustable in

1. Height

Armrests that are too high cause “raised shoulders,” which is detrimental in the long run. If they are too low, they will cause tilt.

2. Length

They should not prevent workers from sitting near the desk. They must also provide adequate support coverage.

3.distance between the arms of the chair

This must be customized for the user, allowing comfort and enough space to get out of the chair easily but without slipping or tipping when in the chair.

What type do you need?

See which one suits you best.

There is the mouse armrest, which comes in one piece, to support the mouse arm. Fits the table.

There is also the Add-on type, where you add padding and support to your chair’s existing armrest.

Then we have the fully adjustable, extendable type, which comes in a pair and you can adjust your armrest to whatever height and distance you want. It even moves with you while you work.

Lastly, we have the ergonomic type adjustable with MousePad. Similar to the first, the mouse type, which is also fixed to the table, the adjustable ergonomic type moves according to the mouse arm.

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