Cleaning and maintaining an air conditioner is just as important as turning it on in the first place, otherwise you will breathe air filled with recycled dust and dirt. We’ve put together a quick five-step guide that should ensure that you are on the path to an efficient air conditioning unit that is as good as new. For a more comprehensive guide on air conditioner maintenance, there are tons of great resources on the web (like this one), but for something quick and easy, read on …

  1. Clean the evaporator.
    This can be found over the oven in the plenum and should be cleaned at least once a year. One thing to keep in mind at this point is that they are sometimes not accessible and therefore not possible to do it yourself. The way to know if you can access it is to check if the plenum has insulation wrapped in aluminum foil on the front. If not, and the plenum is inside a sealed metal box, you should not try to get in. Doing so could irreparably damage your unit.
  2. Maintain the condenser.
    Most condensing units for air conditioning systems are naturally found outdoors. However, this means that you are dealing with more dirt than you would otherwise be. The condenser has a fan that projects air through the condensing coil; this must be cleaned on the inlet side. Before doing this, you need to check the direction of the air flow through the coils or you could end up cleaning a part that just doesn’t need it.
  3. Repair the refrigerant lines in the system.
    Insufficient amounts of refrigerant could mean that the unit does not provide enough cooling and the system will eventually overheat. Do not attempt to charge the refrigerant lines in the system; you really need to call in a professional for that. However, you can examine the lines from the condenser to the evaporator inside. If any insulation is frayed, it will become less efficient and must be replaced. However, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for this, and if you’re still unsure, call the professionals.
  4. Test the thermostat.
    It is important to verify that the thermostat is working properly; After all, this is what regulates the temperature and is therefore an integral part of the system. However, before testing it, check how many wires go through the thermostat. If there are more than two lead wires in it (not including the sense bulb wire), again it is best to leave the work to a professional. They will always include this test along with all other standard checks.
  5. Check the effectiveness of the fan.
    The fan is a key part of an air conditioning unit, so when it malfunctions, it is critical that you fix that problem as soon as possible. Fortunately, it is often a simple problem associated with dirty blades. Turning off the power and giving it a good cleaning is usually all that is needed. Tightening the blades if they are a little loose will also make the unit more efficient and safe.

If something more serious happens, don’t try to fix it yourself unless you have a working knowledge of air conditioners. If it does venture into your system, be sure to check that the power is completely off. That may sound condescending, but it is the simplest thing that is often left out!

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