Okay we are all excited because we just brought home our new puppy and with all that excitement we sometimes forget how important it is to housebreak a puppy and the more we let it go the harder it will be to housebreak our new puppy. puppy.

Potty training a dog should begin immediately:

Once our pup has spent a few days in our house, we quickly realize that we need to start cleaning our pup’s house, as we spend a lot of time cleaning up the mess they have left behind. Also, we don’t want to spend part of each day walking around the house trying to find where those ‘interesting’ smells are coming from.

Puppy House Training Tips:

When you first start houseschooling your puppy, it’s wise to confine him to a small play area during the day so he still has room to play and build his strength, but he’s not in control of the house and you it is then that they are going to find small surprises from time to time while they “do” where they want.

Be patient like a small baby, a puppy does not have the ability to contain it and it is not something that is going to be taught overnight. (This may not sound like advice, but keeping this in mind when accidents happen will help keep your household calm.)

Box training:

You may have heard the term “crate training your puppy” during your research on how to successfully potty train your dog. When you bring your puppy home, have a small ventilated plastic or metal box ready for him to sleep at night and nap during the day.


The crate should be big enough for the puppy to lie down in, but small enough that he doesn’t have room to go to the bathroom. Puppies don’t sleep where they sleep, so the goal is not to give them room to do so, and they may have a hard time at first, soon they’ll learn to hold you until you take them outside.

So far, this all seems pretty straightforward, and when followed through, we’ll soon have our new pup “doing” outside and not in the home. The problem though is, how exactly can our dogs tell us when they need to go “do” outside, since most of us haven’t managed to understand the language, “bark”?

And the number 1 tip for housebreaking a puppy is…

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