Takeya’s patented Deluxe Cold Coffee Iced Coffee Maker is a very popular coffee maker due to its simple design and ease of use. It takes less than 30 seconds to brew 8 cups of coffee once your cold brew is ready.

Add the coffee grounds to the filter and fill the carafe with water. Close the lid which offers an airtight seal and also makes it leak proof.

Place everything in the refrigerator so that the beans are soaked in the water and make the cold brew. After 24-36 hours, remove the filter to make 8 cups of a delicious cold brew.

You do not need elaborate instruction manuals or guides to use this appliance. It is a simple and straightforward device that anyone can use. Takeya’s patented Deluxe Ice Maker is small and fits anywhere in your refrigerator. Place it inside the door or even horizontally as the lid is leak proof.

The Takeya coffee maker uses less coffee than similar devices on the market. Also, it is one of the most affordable coffee making devices with the large number of positive ratings. Last time we checked it has 25,000 5-star ratings on Amazon.

The design of this simple appliance not only makes it easy to use, but also to clean. All parts are dishwasher safe and made from BPA-free plastics. The jug uses stain resistant materials and is also made of unbreakable plastic. A special silicone-based handle helps to have a good grip when drinking or pouring coffee from the carafe.

There are only 5 parts to the Takeya Deluxe Cold Brew coffee maker. The pieces are a jug, a mesh filter, a silicone handle, a spout that fits around the rim of the jug, and an airtight lid. It is a manual device. It does not require electricity. The device comes in two sizes. The smallest size can make 4 cups, while the largest size can make 8 cups of coffee.

The Takeya coffee maker is primarily designed to brew cold coffee, but you can also use it to brew hot coffee. Cold coffee can stay fresh in the refrigerator for 2 weeks due to the tight seal. It stays fresh and tasty for the 2 week period. The time savings with the Takeya coffee maker are immense, as you don’t have to spend time making coffee every day.

Cold coffee, cold lattes, and cold coffees taste better. The flavors are not diluted with ice, which is generally used to cool cold coffees made from hot infusions.

There is a problem in the preparation of coffee made by the Takeya coffee maker. It’s a bit on the weaker side. If you like your coffee to be strong, choose other cold brewers.

Cold drinks also lack the character and rich flavors associated with coffee. But in terms of convenience and ease of making coffee, there is no other machine that we would recommend other than the Takeya coffee maker.

Definitely not suitable for those hobbyists who micromanage all aspects of their coffee brewing, but for those busy people who like their coffees cold and like it to be made with the least amount of fuss.

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