Life is about relationships: marriages, families, friends, jobs, teams, etc., are just some of the relationships we can be a part of. All relationships are give and take; and, in all relationships, you reap what you see. If you are experiencing relationship difficulties, take an honest look at your relationships for the presence of any of the destructive behaviors listed below. Identifying and eliminating, or correcting, hurtful behavior will open the door to relationship harmony in any type of relationship. Which of these things are you doing to ruin your relationship, or is someone you know doing to ruin their own relationship?

1. Abuse of any kind (mental, emotional, verbal, physical, etc.), including being mean, cruel, intimidating, or intentionally harmful in any way, is an obvious sign of serious problems. Love and forgiveness are essential; But this harmful and potentially dangerous behavior must be changed or eliminated immediately – an abusive relationship is not the kind of relationship that nobody wants or needs.

2. Putting down, insulting, shaming, humiliating, or making someone feel small, weak, stupid, worthless, or inferior in any way is another way to destroy your relationship, all at once or over time. Unless you want to have a relationship with someone small, you must strengthen the people you associate with; gives you a better set of associations, if nothing else.

3. Cheating is an obvious threat to any romantic relationship; but infidelity and disloyalty are decisive factors in most types of relationships. There can be great rewards for practicing faithfulness in life.

4. Dishonesty, deceit, deceit, lies, and betrayal of any kind will end up unraveling and causing bigger trouble than the plot was worth in the first place. Honesty, though sometimes painful, is the best policy.

5. Inflexibility, rigidity, lack of will and dogmatic positions keep people and relationships fixed, stagnant and stuck in a routine. Change is constant; and it’s crazy to think that you can be in a relationship without changing and be changed by the relationship. The key is choosing how you allow the changes to shape you by willingly and intentionally leaning in the direction of your relationship, creating and shaping yourself, your life, and your relationship as you go.

6. Forgetting dates, birthdays, favorites, etc., can be painful; but forgetting how and why you are in a relationship can destroy it. Forgetting your priorities can cause you to let your relationships wither; and forgetting how you started or earned that relationship can prevent you from rescuing, saving, repairing, or reclaiming it.

7. Thoughtlessness, selfishness, self-centeredness, etc., can be forgiven; but they can also end relationships. Most people get tired of selfish or manipulative behavior after a while, like the story of the boy who cried wolf. After a while, a lack of consideration for others will cause them to no longer consider you. Put energy and attention on others and they will put it on you.

8. Judgment, criticism, blame, or condemnation have no place in any happy life or relationship. The presence of any of these things indicates a relationship in trouble. Learn acceptance, concession, and forgiveness if you want to save your relationship. Would you rather be right or happy?

9. Disrespect, including swearing, name calling, and intrusive behavior, is a good way to show someone that they need another partner. Respect your partner’s opinions, beliefs, person, and property if you expect the same in return.

10. Ignorance, ignoring a person, not listening, paying attention, noticing, learning, growing or evolving, may not seem like a mistake; but it is. If something is not growing, it is dying; And, if you’re not learning about your partner, your relationship is dying. You know very little about a person when you first get into a relationship. Live, learn and love.

These aren’t the only mistakes people make in relationships; but they are very big mistakes, and very common, that can ruin or end relationships. These mistakes are also forgivable; and anyone is capable of making and learning from these mistakes so that they do not happen again. We can all learn from our mistakes and become wiser, happier, healthier people in stronger, happier relationships. Start paying attention to your thoughts, words and actions; And, if you notice any of these common relationship mistakes at work, take immediate corrective action to restore love and harmony where you have allowed fear and disharmony to creep in. As a result, you and your relationship will be better and stronger.

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