To say that the world economy has deteriorated recently is to state the obvious. Unfortunately, however, this obvious fact is affecting job seekers. While times are tough right now, it’s certainly not impossible to find work and you shouldn’t be discouraged from moving to a major city like London, as the rest of the country’s economy has likely taken such a hit. if not worse.

It’s vital that as soon as you know you want to relocate for work, you put together a plan of action to ensure you find the job you want as soon as possible.

First of all, it is important to have a good attitude. If you sit down and say there’s no point looking for a job right now, because employers aren’t hiring, then that’s a surefire way to stay unemployed for a good amount of time. Instead, use your ‘off-work’ time to your advantage over people who have a full-time job and don’t have as much free time. Make sure your skills are up to date by taking some distance learning or refresher courses. You can do this before or after your move. Always make sure your studies are relevant to the industry you want to work in. Interviewers will be impressed if they can see that you have used your time away from the workplace to brush up on key skills.

What’s special about you? With dozens of people vying for the same jobs, you need to find your own unique selling point to make sure you stand out from the crowd. Your CV or resume is often the first impression a potential employer has of you. The importance of having a standout resume is impossible to underestimate, and yet many are sent to recruiting agencies and employers, literate with grammatical errors, misspellings, and falsehoods. You should consider buying a book on the best ways to prepare your CV or alternatively seeking professional help by employing a bespoke CV writing service or attending a CV workshop.

If you currently cannot get a permanent job, consider doing work experience or temporary work for a short period of time. They will both fill in any time related gaps on your CV and make sure you pick up new skills or update existing ones. If you are considering taking an unpaid job, make sure you don’t feel exploited. The placement should be short and you should ensure that you get a good perspective on the industry you are considering working for, as well as the chance to make valuable business contacts.

Temporary work must pay you at least minimum wage. If possible, try to get a temporary job at a company you are interested in working for. With any luck, your employer will see that you are worth hiring and you could land a permanent position there in no time.

While looking for a job, an important exercise to carry out is to make a list of all the people you know who could put a good word in to you with one of your own relevant contacts. You may want to consider college tutors, sixth-year teachers, former bosses, family friends, and people you know who are involved in the industry you want to work in. Get in touch and explain that you are looking for a job and would like some advice on how to get that first step out the door. It may seem like a moral gray area, but many people get jobs through a friend of a friend, which shows that it really is all about who you know.

Finally, if you have a skill that could work well as a freelance business, then perhaps you should consider starting your own company. Of course it’s risky, but many successful companies that started in the recession of the 1990s are still around today. Right now, many companies are looking to hire freelancers on a project-by-project basis, rather than having a permanent staff member (with all the red tape and benefits) to do the same work, so in some respects going it alone might be a great opportunity for those with a skill that translates well to freelance work. You may have a hard time getting bank loans right now, but if you have a complete business plan and get advice from government agencies like Business link, you could see this economic period as a blessing in disguise.

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