HAS notification bar it’s a great way to grab a visitor’s attention no matter which page of your website the person navigates to. In this article I am going to share with you 5 reasons why you should use a notification bar on your website.

Promote a Contest

Let your visitors know about a competition or promotion you’re running and provide a link to the page right from the notification bar. This is a great way to increase interest in your contests and allows you to combine contest entries with newsletter subscriptions by having a little checkbox that says “newsletter sign up” displayed below the entry submission form in the contest.

Increase your newsletter subscribers

Building a list of newsletter subscribers is essential for any website owner. The great thing about having a bar on your website is that you can notify all visitors what your newsletter is about, the benefits of signing up as a subscriber, and direct your visitors to your dedicated newsletter page so they can subscribe.

Increase your followers on Twitter

Many people and businesses flock to the microblogging social network, and a notification bar is a great place to alert everyone who visits your website about your Twitter profile. After all, if you’re on Twitter and have very few followers, who will see your Tweets?

Increase your followers on Facebook

Just like our example above, people and businesses are signing up to Facebook en masse and asking people to become ‘fans’. Using your bar to notify your visitors that you have a fan page and the benefits of becoming a ‘fan’ will help you increase your number of followers in no time.

Increase your RSS subscribers

Some people prefer to read website updates through an RSS feed reader, which means they can stay up to date without visiting a website (if a website has its feed set to show full feeds and not excerpts). Use your notification bar to share your RSS feed link and tell your readers to get your feed so they never have to worry about missing a new article or update again.

In this article I covered what a notification bar is and 5 ways you can use one on your website. First I focused on promoting a contest, then on promoting a newsletter to increase subscribers. I then went on to cover two social networks, Twitter and Facebook, and used a notification bar to increase Twitter followers and Facebook fans. Lastly, I explained that a notification bar is a great way to increase your RSS subscribers.

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