Quattro University is a new private mlm company founded in 2008, located in Chicago, IL. They claim to teach entrepreneurs practical strategies and skills that they can immediately start using to impact their business and life.

Tuition packages provide phone calls with Quattro University instructors, access to the Quattro Success Library, a personal growth and development trip, and a week or multiple weeks of college, depending on the package price. And earn money enrolling students in QU.

The curriculum is based on the implementation of “the power of 4,” which is the mastery of wealth, well-being, leadership, and legacy. There are classes for each element. The objectives are pursued as they say “teaching to achieve absolute success through balance and living the status quo”.

While the concept sounds great, I have clear doubts about the value of your product. To determine if a company is worth joining, we have to see how unique their product is. And here I have my biggest concern.

Although there are few mlm companies in the education category, in reality the market is saturated with educational tools and programs for business people. Because of the Internet, tons of various tools for professional growth and personal development are being promoted virally. Most of them are not even that expensive. Additionally, every reputable mlm company provides resources designed by experts in the field for a successful network marketing business opportunity.

So you have to decide whether you want to be in a company with the product that is sold everywhere or if you find a unique product and opportunity that suits your tastes and in which you can afford to invest.

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