Mentalism is one of the most amazing and fascinating theatrical arts. It is also one of many examples of persuasion. It is seen at most magic shows and at parties that include magic acts. He is entertaining and tends to be a very good conversation starter. But how is the feat of mind reading performed? These ten tips are just a starting point for the incredible feat of mentalism as one of the examples of persuasion.

Tip 1: Know your subject.

The key to successful mind reading is knowing the person well enough to predict their response.

Tip 2: The eyes say it all.

As one of the examples of persuasion, the easiest way to distinguish a response from an apparently unresponsive subject is to look them in the eye. The size and activity of your pupils will tell you how close you have come to making a correct statement.

Tip 3: Starting with the shotgun.

To get started, use a technique known as a shotgun blast. This is simply throwing as many questions one after another until you get a response from someone in your audience. A simple technique but one that needs some self-confidence.

Tip 4: Keep the performance lively.

If you want your performance to be one of the great examples of persuasion, you’ll need to keep the audience engaged by using bright colors and other things to hold their attention.

Tip 5: Be natural.

During the presentation, do not use unnatural gestures or movements, this will indicate to the audience that this may just be an illusion.

Tip 6: Show that you are confident.

There is nothing more convincing than a mentalist who has a lot of confidence in himself. Mentalist is one of many examples of persuasion, so you’ll be fine.

Tip 7: Involve your audience.

If you really want a hit and something that people have as a good conversation starter, you have to engage the audience. This will also make you look more legitimate.

Tip 8: Be different than what was done before.

If you really want your act to be seen as one of the examples of persuasion that surprises, be different in the way you do things and surprise your audience.

Tip 9: Be simple in your act.

Keep your act simple, this will help keep the audience engaged and help your self-confidence as well.

Tip 10: Focus on your audience.

In your performance, make sure you’re doing tricks that your audience wants to see, not things that you want to do. Doing what people want you to do is one of the tricks and examples of persuasion.

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