Whether you were born with uneven dental alignment, large gaps between teeth, discoloration, and chips or cracks, lumineers may be the solution for your dental deformities.

Lumineers are the advanced version of porcelain dental veneers. Anyone considering a lumineer procedure should understand what dental veneers are.

Dental veneers, sometimes referred to as porcelain veneers or laminates, are thin laminates that are carefully bonded to the front of teeth to correct gaps, discoloration, uneven teeth, and other imperfections. Often made of tooth-colored material (composite resin and porcelain), these veneers are designed to solve almost all of your cosmetic dental problems, including dullness, discoloration, wear, extensive chipping, cracking, gapping, or misaligned teeth. Porcelain dental veneers are more preferred than resin veneers due to their durability, which lasts for many years.

Lumineers are the latest form of porcelain veneers. What distinguishes lumineers from traditional lab-fabricated porcelain veneers is that the former type is much thinner (typically 0.3 millimeters thick) than the latter (typically around 0.5 millimeters thick).

Unlike traditional veneers, these ultra-thin veneers can be easily placed with no or sometimes very little tooth preparation. In other words, a dentist does not require grinding, cutting, or filing of sensitive tooth structure to bond lumineers onto your natural teeth, and that means there is absolutely no pain.

Whether your teeth are stained, crooked or misshapen, even if you have crowns or bridges placed, lumineers can create pain-free permanent smiles without the dreaded injections or polishing.

Attached to the facial (front) surface of the teeth, lumineers can effectively address a number of dental problems, including:

Chipped, fractured, or worn teeth

fanged or pointed teeth

slightly stained teeth

Unevenly spaced and slightly misaligned teeth

Slightly crowded teeth

small teeth


Lumineerr is applied in a quick and non-invasive procedure. They can be installed in two easy visits. The entire process, including taking the cast and retrieving the finished veneers from the lab, can be completed in two weeks or less.

You don’t have to endure lengthy and uncomfortable procedures to get the smile makeover.

Unlike the traditional veneer procedure, lumineers do not require firing or grinding of existing tooth structure.

Lumineers are completely reversible, as your natural tooth structure remains intact.

This form of veneers is so versatile that they can be seamlessly applied over existing crowns or bridges, without the need to replace them.

Made from an ultra-thin translucent material, lumineers are extremely thin like a contact lens, making it easy for your dentist to place them on your teeth. They are also known for their strength and longevity, lasting for more than two decades without the need for special maintenance.


As with most cosmetic dentistry treatments, lumineers have a few drawbacks. Since they are very thin, it can be more difficult for these laminates to mask heavily stained teeth.

Since lumineers do not require any tooth reduction and cover the original tooth surface, your tooth becomes thicker, oversized and/or overcontoured. Overly contoured and bulky teeth can affect your speech and biting habits. You may also feel uncomfortable putting your lips on your teeth or moving your teeth.

Also, you may find it more difficult to clean your gum line, which can make you prone to tooth decay and gum disease.


Lumineers tend to be more expensive than traditional veneers, since they are made of a special material that is not commonly available and is produced in specialized laboratories. Other factors that can influence cost include the experience of the adjusting dentist, the location of the dental office, and the number of covers you receive at one time. Prices can also vary greatly between dental clinics in the same region.

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