Do you want to lose fat in a month? Here are 3 very powerful tips that helped me get my dream body in 8 weeks!

1. Increase Protein – Getting enough protein a day will help speed up your metabolism, keep you full throughout the day, and also help build lean muscle tissue. Some of the best foods I recommend that are high in protein are organic Greek yogurt, walnuts, lean chicken breast, lean turkey breast, lean beef (in moderation), egg whites (you can buy them in liquid form to save money and make it easier to cook), and whey protein shakes (the healthiest and most effective protein powder).

2. ACV before meals – ACV is short for apple cider vinegar. This powerful miracle drink has so many health benefits that it would make your head spin! I’m talking about relieving arthritis pain, curing the common cold, and even being used ON the body for first aid benefits! Now, one of the popular benefits of natural organic apple cider vinegar is its ability to aid fat loss and enhance the body’s transformation efforts. For starters, ACV will give you a tremendous energy boost. Now where it really shines is its ability to keep you feeling full. What you should do is take a serving of ACV just before meals. I recommend 3 scoops mixed with 8 ounces of water. It works like a charm!

3. Fire up your metabolism – If you want to lose fat in a month and get the body of your dreams, I highly recommend that you put a lot of emphasis on boosting your metabolism naturally. This made a TON of difference to me in how quickly I got the body I wanted.

What I did to boost my metabolism was a program that focused on eating more often, changing the calories in the foods I ate, and never going hungry. That only helped speed up the metabolism. Other things I did to increase my metabolic rate were to drink a LOT of water (half my body weight in ounces), get plenty of sleep (at least 7 hours), and drink green tea.

Bottom lineI ended up losing 25lbs of fat in a month and finally 52lbs in 8 weeks…permanently!

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