Kids want to look scarier on Halloween, but parents can, and should, be careful about letting their kids go out in masks that can make it hard to see oncoming cars and other dangerous objects.

Makeup is a safer and more comfortable option, but many people find it expensive and difficult to do.

Could not be farther from the truth.

You don’t need a fancy makeup kit to transform your child’s adorable face into a creepy creature or critter this Halloween. In fact, most homes probably already have most of the items you’ll need to create a “wow” Halloween makeup kit.

Here are some homemade makeup tips to complete the perfect costume.

Facial hair:

Use a damp sponge to apply dark mascara or eyeshadow to create sideburns, mustaches, and other facial hair. Apply sparingly to the entire face to darken your child’s complexion.

Create a bushy mustache or flowing beard with crepe wool (also known as crepe hair) or yarn. Unbraid and curl a bit for best results. You can use a safe mixture of flour and water to apply the ‘hair’ to your child’s skin. It will wash off easily at the end of the night.

Make the hair disappear:

Make new brows for your child by hiding old ones with multiple applications of a thick paste made from facial soap and water. Cover the paste with base and draw new shapes where you want.

Go bald:

If you forgot to pick up a skull cap, the end of an old nylon can create a pretty cool effect. Glue on some crepe wool or yarn to create a custom wig.

White as a ghost:

Mix white chalk with shortening from your kitchen pantry and apply to your child’s face for a spooky complexion.

Frankenstein Neck Studs:

Paint styrofoam peanuts with a black watercolor paint and stick them to your child’s neck with a mixture of flour and water for a great neck bolt effect.


Mix yellow and green lipstick and eyeshadow to create bruises.

For a oozing wound, cover the wound area with baking soda, then use a spray bottle to very lightly mist with vinegar. If allowed to dry, the bubbly sore will remain until washed off.

When the night is over and it’s time for your monsters to be less ghoulish again, the baby shampoo will remove glue and makeup with ease and gentleness.

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