“Call now and get your free DVD or buy this book to be successful!”

It’s good to learn from others, but don’t think you’ll succeed by buying DVDs, books, or videos. The only benefit anyone can really get from learning by reading, listening to audio, or watching videos online from people like Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author Rich Dad Poor Dad, Anthony Robbins, success coach, Brian Tracy, authority on business. , Dale Carnegie, sales and marketing expert is this…a mind that has been stretched will never return to its original dimension. -Albert Einstein. Now, if you put any of the “you must do this to achieve that” into action and know how to actually do it… then you’re closer than you think to reaching your goal.

There is a truth that you may never have heard before. Whatever these people have done to achieve it worked for them, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you. The more you stretch your mind through reading, listening, etc., the more insightful and willing to take action you will be, and the actions you might need to take may not be the same actions that other people took. I discovered that most people do not know that they have a magic wand and that the challenge is to be able to find it within themselves. Once you learn to stretch not only your mind, but also your heart and spirit, you will find your own magic wand.

Most people can never achieve success or earn enough money; no matter how hard they try. A small percentage of people automatically access their subconscious mind without being aware of it and use the laws of success. With these few it is no longer a theory, they are actually living the laws of success and applying money consciousness to its fullest extent. It’s easy enough to say you have to do this to achieve it, but it’s not so easy to do when you really need to learn deeper practical strategies that start with shaping your mind in a certain way, beginning in childhood, when you’re ready to become an “entrepreneur.” , you’ll feel a powerful and exhilarating “can do” attitude toward achievement. The power of your thoughts will create miraculous changes.

What are the qualities that lead to success and inner freedom? Why is victory like an obstacle course with obstacles to overcome in the race to success? For example, when you have two salespeople working on the sales floor with the same experience, why does one salesperson stand out from the other? The consensus is that it’s attitude that can make a salesperson stand out in the twenty percent category of doing most of the eighty percent of the business. It seems that way on the surface and it is true, but what is the underlying reason? This profound truth is not found in sales training or sales instruction books. The salesperson who fits into this category has an inherent trait called money consciousness that, like gravity, will attract customers, sales, and opportunities for prosperity. What are the strategies for real success?

Step 1. Match real estate to sales. Location, location, location, and what does that mean? Affluence requires advantage and requires circumstantial surroundings. If the environment is not an auspicious and encouraging environment, there may be thousands of mentally superior minds, but if they are not in such a karma-induced environment, they will have to work hard for many incarnations before the rule of economic development will allow them the status of a millionaire

Step 2. Do you want to become a millionaire? Are you willing to pay the price? You cannot accumulate wealth without ingenuity and dynamic willpower. Success not only depends on your attitude and ability, it also depends on your willpower. Visualization and willpower alone are not enough to make or give you the rank and position of becoming a millionaire. But unwavering and fearless faith, coupled with dynamic will power, resourcefulness and positive thoughts, coupled with such intense visualization, will propel your dynamic will power towards the realization of your goals. Within the limits of reason you can make it possible. Do you think that only with prayers and faith you can change your bad habits, your past and present karma and become prosperous? If a thousand people in a variety of conditions and circumstances were to pray intensely and make the ultimate quest to accumulate wealth and try to become millionaires, most of them would not be able to achieve it in a single lifetime. Just look around you and tell me how many people you know are rich.

Step 3. If you want to pay the price, learn from people like Stuart. He worked in an environment of circumstance, but he did not like his co-workers. When Stuart walked onto the sales floor, everyone felt the energy from him. He was like a hungry dog ​​with drive, passion and one hundred percent focused on what he was doing. Stuart’s co-workers had the same flow of clients, the same hours, and everything else the same, but Stuart made over a hundred thousand dollars a year on average and his co-workers made about thirty thousand a year. Stuart tried to get as many clients as he could get because he knew how to control the sale and manipulate the sales floor. If the other salespeople were daydreaming for a moment, Stuart would take the next customer and in a moment the others would be left in the dust. Co-workers couldn’t stand Stuart but should have copied and learned from him. However, since the monkey loves to imitate, you don’t want to be like a monkey by imitating the qualities and mannerisms of others that can’t be real, but blind imitation is better than nothing as long as the standard is high. Due to the weak tendencies of past incarnations, some people’s efforts in this life are weak and therefore they cannot achieve success.

In Stuart’s situation, even lower management didn’t appreciate him because his co-workers constantly complained. Sometimes there was tension and some of the vendors argued with Stuart. But Stuart didn’t care, he understood that they were just jealous. Stuart was under pressure from management and his coworkers to be less aggressive, but Stuart only knew one way from his initial training and couldn’t fit in and act like the other failures. The saving grace for Stuart was the corporate headquarters. They loved Stuart because he generated up to three million dollars a year in sales, thus preventing lower management from finding an excuse to control him. Stuart had to juggle management and his co-workers. Stuart was in a commissioned environment and that was his problem. He had to deal with it. If you put yourself in that dog and dog commission environment, be prepared for stress.

Step 4. To apply ingenuity you will need to be intelligent, but to apply dynamic willpower you will need emotional and spiritual intelligence. Once you have brought together these three factors: intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence, you are ready to apply the dynamic willpower I call the hyper-will because once you learn to use this power, it will work tirelessly toward achievement. of your goals What might have taken you a lifetime to accomplish might have become a shortcut to achieving your goals in this lifetime.

To be successful in sales and business, you must develop the power of charisma and have the drawing power of magnetism; Few people have this power of magnetism, but most have some latent power within themselves. Magnetism is the force of attraction that, like gravity, pulls everything towards you. You not only attract the right business partners, but you also attract material wealth, the right friends, and all the right things.

Step 5. Before looking for a conducive and encouraging environment, get the experience first. You don’t want to be in a setting of circumstances like Stuart’s co-workers and making peanuts. You must associate with successful people to be able to steal their magnetism and remember that it is not five minutes or your money back. Extended periods of time will be required. Do not associate with the underworld because the environment is much stronger than willpower. If you mix with the wrong people, their silent vibrations will affect you in the opposite way. And, above all, to become a super magnet by transforming, you will have to approach and associate with magnetic giants. The more you work on these techniques and the more you focus your concentration, the luckier you will be and that is the rule.

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