Google AdSense has become more popular than many other things on the web. Still, it’s a very difficult thing to understand if you don’t do some background research to try and get some insight into how Google works and also how Google AdSense works, as Google AdSense is one of many programs that Google offers. We are going to somehow discuss how Google AdSense works and how to make some money using good AdSense right on HubPages.

First let me explain what Google AdSense is, well Google AdSense is a program that allows big advertisers like Amazon, eBay, Best Buy and many other big companies to show their ads in Google search engine results, or also display your ads on the created pages. by users like you and me. To make money with the Google AdSense program, you need to build a website that can drive potential internet traffic to your website. Google allows you to display these advertisers’ ads on your websites, as long as your page contains meaningful related content, which relates to the advertisers’ ads. So if you are building a website about Whey Protein for Bodybuilding and you can get good traffic to your website, Google will allow you to place ads on your page and pay you for it.

how do they pay you? Well that’s simple. Advertisers pay Google through the AdSense program based on clicks, they call it PPC, which stands for pay per click, so the advertiser will typically pay Google an amount for each click they receive when someone clicks on their ads and then comes to your page. Well, if you have this ad on your website and a user is looking for information on how to find the best whey protein, that user might see the ad on your website, find some interest, and then click on it. By doing that, Google automatically charges the advertiser a CPC (Cost Per Click) where it shares a percentage of that click with you, since the ad was on your website. Whether the user buys products from the advertisers website or not, they still get paid per click. Now you know what Google AdSense is and how it basically works. Let’s understand how to make money with Google AdSense using a very popular website called HubPages.

HubPages is a community made up of great writers, there writers spend time writing articles, also known as Hubs, well, a website like HubPages allows the writer to place Google ads on their articles, but they charge a percentage of participation, Last time I checked the percentage they were keeping was 40%, with that in mind, if you’re writing about whey protein again, and someone lands on your hub, finds an interesting ad, and then clicks on it, Google will automatically split the revenue between you and the Hub Pages. website. What’s so good about HubPages? Well, HubPages is a very popular website, with high authority, which means that the Hubs or articles you create on HubPages are set up as individual subdomains, since HubPages has so much authority on the internet, you could soon find yourself getting huge traffic on a way that would take a lot more time if you were working on a website built by you from scratch.

The best thing about HubPages is that it allows you to place items for sale on your pages like Amazon and eBay products, but then again, Google AdSense is the best way to make money. If you haven’t joined HubPages yet, please do so at the link below. Remember that original content is the key to success. So write lots of hubs with original content created just by you, published nowhere else, and watch the revenue roll in. Once you sign up for HubPages, you’ll need to create an AdSense account, but before you sign up for Google AdSense, create some helpful hubs around the things you like most or your favorite topics. After creating a few hubs that apply to Google AdSense, this will give you a better chance of getting your account accepted in a much better way with less hassle.

Once you’ve been approved for your Google AdSense account, enjoy the benefits of working with AdSense and never make the mistake of clicking your own ads. Because they can block you, and once they block you, you can’t go back.

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