The “This Drummer’s At The Wrong Gig Video” video on YouTube went viral last year. Why was this video so remarkable? First of all, the movements of the crazy drummer were very characteristic and unique. Secondly, I think it was because the drummer was breaking the unwritten social rules that bands have, and it was fun to see him for that.

Usually in bands there is a hierarchy as to where the attention of the audience should be focused. When the singer sings, which is probably the majority of the song, the focus should be on the singer. When the singer stops and the lead guitarist has a notable solo or riff, the audience’s attention should be turned away from the singer and onto the lead guitarist. Classically, the drummer and bassist have fewer parts compared to the lead singer and lead guitarist, on whom most of the audience’s attention is focused. The “This Drummer Is At The Wrong Gig” video is funny because the drummer is hogging all the attention for most of the song. It doesn’t matter if the singer is singing or the guitarist is riffing, the focus is on the drummer. Since you want to know what move he’s going to make next, the rest of the band became a subtext of the performance. In the case of this viral video, the drummer’s stage presence turned a cheesy cover everyone knows into a classic rendition that will go down in history. My point is that since it was a fun, cheesy version, it helped the situation that the drummer was doing all kinds of crazy moves.

How do I know when to stand out with stage presence with my band?

In general you want to play with energy and enthusiasm at all times. Moving to the music with your body and even moving your head should support the music of the entire band as a whole. It should raise the energy level of the band and the audience, but at the same time not take all the attention away from the other musicians. There are appropriate times when you can do stick tricks and get more pumped up on the drums during a performance. If you have a drum solo on set, it’s your time to shine and do whatever you want to show off your talent. People will respect your skills even more if you don’t show off until it’s your turn to. You can also opt for exclusive paddings meant to show off the battery. This is when the other instruments are minimal or even stopped to allow the drummer to come into space and show off. A good example of this is the Foo Fighters song “Rope”, in which Taylor Hawkins jumps into space. It’s almost like they’re giving you short drum solos.

Ways to work your stage presence.

Study the way your favorite drummers move and rock during their solos, and more importantly, when they’re just playing steady beats. Watch how they support the music energetically when it’s the singer’s or leader’s time to shine and how they really go wild when it’s solo time. Study a bunch of different styles of drummers and try to work towards developing your own unique style by seeing your favourites. Try different characters when you are acting. There is a technique in theater where you study the way a reptile or animal moves and try to incorporate those movements into your performance. You can also try this for drumming. Steve Moore from the viral video reminds me of a rabid King Kong who destroys entire cities with his drumsticks. It’s very primitive. This technique may not be for everyone, but you should try it if you feel your playing is stiff.

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