A hemorrhoid is part of our gastrointestinal tract, which is located in the annular-rectal area. There are 2 types of hemorrhoids, the internal hemorrhoid, which is located inside the anus, and the external hemorrhoid, which is just outside. These garments help us with the excretion of feces so that they develop smoothly and without problems. Sometimes things just don’t go as usual, problems arise in many different ways; in this case, with hemorrhoids, the hard way.

The exact reason for the existence of hemorrhoids is still unknown, but a series of investigations carried out by our medical team concludes that diet, muscle and abdominal effort are some of the reasons why we have hemorrhoids. For hemorrhoids, you have to regress eating acidic and fatty foods, opt more for those rich in fiber, do a few minutes of exercise a day, such as walking and jogging at a brisk pace, drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day and visit the I bathe regularly.


Thrombosis is defined as a blood clot within a blood vessel; This blocks blood flow, which can cause a bolus if it doesn’t heal. Worse things can happen if the blood supply is continually blocked. Choking or low oxygen levels can cause your skin to turn pale; This will cause lactic acid to build up (the same enzyme that causes muscle fatigue) and in the worst case, anorexia or total lack of oxygen in the bloodstream causing cell death.

Thrombosis is painful when it is not treated right away. Thrombosis can also appear in external hemorrhoids; this will put things in a swamp, as the pain really deprives of movement and brings total discomfort to the host.


If the thrombosis is from external hemorrhoids, prolapsed, here, it is the equivalent partner for internal hemorrhoids. There are four stages of internal hemorrhoids and they are classified as grades 1, 2, 3, and 4. When internal hemorrhoids are irritated, it doesn’t actually cause much pain; Instead, some people generally do not detect the first 2 stages of internal hemorrhoids because they are painless and do not prolapse they are also still visible. Hemorrhoid prolapse is actually painless, but when struck regularly, great discomfort awaits the host.

Hemorrhoids really sound like a big problem for people who have already dealt with them, for those who have not yet, it is a real dilemma if you don’t know what to do to deal with them. We have prepared a series of steps to do at home to cure hemorrhoids for you to read.

1. Fiber diet: Eating high fiber foods on a daily basis helps soften and move stools, which is an essential aid in curing hemorrhoids.

2. Drink plenty of fluids – When I say fluids, I mean water and water only, sodas and sodas are not Ritalin for hemorrhoids and they even make your stool harder, making you strain to have a bowel movement.

3. Avoid strenuous defecation: Strenuous defecation is one of the reasons cited for hemorrhoids, too much abdominal pressure pushes internal hemorrhoids and the tooth line towards an unnatural force and direction. That is why pregnant women and overweight people are the usual victims of hemorrhoids.

4. Exercise: Regular exercise has always been part of a healthy lifestyle since the age of empires. A healthy body is always away from any form of disease.

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