A juicer is a household machine that grinds fruits and vegetables and produces juices. People are generally lazy to eat fruits and vegetables as it takes time and effort to bite and chew them. The goal of having a juicer is to make fruits and vegetables more palatable and easier to consume.

Juice has many advantages. First of all, the juice helps to increase the absorption rate of our digestive system. Our body can absorb more nutrients in juice compared to those in the fruits and vegetables that we take in by chewing in our mouths.

Second, it would increase the absorption rate of the dietary fibers contained in the juice. Dietary fibers are nutrients in fruits and vegetables. The dietary fibers in juice are more refined and therefore easier for the body’s digestion system to absorb.

Third, the juice is alkaline in nature. Thus, it neutralizes the pH value of the blood and thus improves blood circulation.

Fourth, drinking juice can increase the frequency of urination and thus improve the detoxification of the body.

Fifth, the juice improves bowel movement and thus improves the detoxification of the body.

There are two main types of juicers available in the market.

The first type is called a centrifugal juicer. It works by turning fruits and vegetables to separate the juice from the pulp. You can grind a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

It is the most popular juicer today. Its use requires less preparation.

During the rapid spin process, oxygen is added to the juice, causing the nutrients to oxidize. It also produces heat in the juice. As a result, the juice produced is of substandard quality and cannot be kept for a long time.

It cannot grind hard, leafy fruits and vegetables. Its noise level is high due to the high spinning process.

The second type is called a masticating juicer. It grinds slowly and produces no heat. In this way, the nutrients of fruits and vegetables can be preserved. Maintains the enzymes and nutrients of fruits and vegetables.

It can produce juice from hard, leafy fruits and vegetables.

Its noise level is low due to slow grinding.

Compared with the centrifugal juicer, it produces a larger volume of juice and a smaller volume of fruit and vegetable pulp.

There are some factors to consider when you want to buy a juicer.

First and foremost is juice yield. A juicer that produces a higher volume of juice and a lower volume of pulp is a better juicer. Usually, the juice capacity of a juicer is related to the power of its motor. A more powerful motor can produce a higher juice output.

The second factor is preparation for juicing and cleanup. Preparation for juicing includes chopping and slicing fruits and vegetables for grinding. Some juicers require very small slices to produce higher yields, while others do not. A good juicer is easy to assemble and clean. The fewer the number of components, the easier it will be to assemble and clean after use. One can stop using a juicer if it is difficult to assemble and clean.

The third factor is the design of a juicer. A good juicer has a low noise level. A juicer with a high noise level can disturb your family and neighbors, especially when you use it early in the morning. In order to have a better grip on the table, it should have a non-slip base. Also, for added convenience, it should have a built-in cord storage device.

The last factor is after-sales service. A good juicer must have excellent support from its manufacturer in terms of maintenance services. A juicer with a longer warranty period is a better juicer.

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