Without the help of a personal trainer, putting together an effective home workout program can seem like a daunting task. However, it is quite simple to develop a training plan. The hard part is staying motivated so you can exercise from home.

Whether it’s the kids, cost, embarrassment, or time management, people choose to exercise at home for many reasons. It’s important to set a realistic fitness goal and then stick to it. Find someone who supports your goal so you have someone to turn to if you start to lose motivation. Make sure your support person knows their role in your fitness success so they know what is expected of them.

You will need a notebook so you can track your progress. In this notebook you will record your weight, your measurements, your calories and your exercise routine weekly. Most people are motivated by results and the mirror can be a disappointment because it’s hard to see gradual changes. The notebook will allow you to see that your body is changing, even if the mirror doesn’t.

Look at your fitness goals when deciding on a plan. If you’re trying to lose weight, then you’ll want to cut calories by reducing your intake of fried foods, sugary foods, and other fatty foods and replacing them with low-calorie, low-fat, nutrient-dense options like fruits and vegetables, chicken breast, grilled chicken or turkey and whole grains.

If you’re looking to gain weight, you’ll want to eat the same types of foods, but increase your calorie intake. To lose and gain pounds, it’s important to know that one pound of body weight is equal to 3,500 calories. This will give you a guide on how much more or less to eat each day.

Assuming you don’t have exercise equipment at home, this is an opportunity to get creative with your routine. Even if you don’t have a jump rope, you can still jump with an invisible jump rope. Plus, traditional jumping jacks are always a beneficial way to get a cardio workout.

If you don’t have dumbbells or a medicine ball, looking at your shelf can help. Of course, this is for light weight training only, but there are no rules against it. For example, carry a heavy encyclopedia (or stuff a few books in a backpack) against your chest as you do crunches, lunges, or squats. You can also hold a heavy book on your head and bend your elbows to bring the book behind your head. Then bring your arms straight back overhead and repeat using slow, controlled movements to work your triceps.

You can also grab a stable meat to increase the intensity of your lunges. To do this, instead of doing a traditional lunge by stomping on the ground in front of you, you’ll walk up to a chair and lift your entire body up.

With a little creativity, your home workout can be ultra-effective. Look around your house, the possibilities for your workouts are endless.

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