There are many things in this world that are accepted as real even without the support of scientific evidence. The same applies to the number of planets or moons that exist without the validation of science. Hercolubus is one of these things.

Hercolubus, a name given by ancient scholars for what is commonly called The Red Planet, is approaching our solar system.

According to some reports, Hercolubus is five or six times bigger than Jupiter, a huge planet that nothing can stop or divert.

In the revelation of Jesus Christ to John, an extremely intriguing prophecy suggests that some kind of heavenly body will collide with the earth and cause great damage. The prophecy specifically described him as a “great star” called Wormwood.

Revelation 8: 10-11 “And the third angel sounded the trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of water; and the name of the The star is called Wormwood, and many men died of the waters, because they were bitter. “

New Age author VM Rabolu wrote in his controversial book Hercolubus or Red Planet that Barnard’s star is actually a planet known to the ancients as Hercolubus, which supposedly came dangerously close to Earth in the past, destroying the Earth. Atlantis

Barnard’s star is a red dwarf star. It got its name from EE Barnard, an American astronomer who discovered it. Barnard’s star is 12 billion years old, considerably older than the sun and probably one of the oldest stars in the Milky Way. It is approaching us at an unusually high speed of 108 km / second or 67 miles / second that every century decreases its distance from Earth.

It is theorized that the first encounter with Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilization. Since then, great scholars have watched the return of the Red Planet to warn us about this cosmic phenomenon.

It is theorized that the first encounter with Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilization. This fact is duly related to all the “universal floods” of different religions and cultures. Throughout the ages, the great sages have thoroughly investigated the return of the Red Planet to alert us to this cosmic event.

VM Rabolu was born in 1926 in Colombia in a simple and humble family. Since he was a child, he was fascinated with the beauty and wisdom of nature and analyzed it. In 1952 he found true spiritual knowledge while in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. He managed to cross the path of spiritual consciousness and in 1998, two years before his death, he made a great effort to write about Hercolubus or Red Planet. He wrote:

“When Hercolubus approaches the Earth and aligns itself with the Sun, deadly epidemics will begin to spread throughout the planet. Neither doctors nor official science will know what kind of diseases they are or how to cure them. They will be powerless in the face of them. epidemics “.

“The moment of tragedy and darkness will come: tremors, earthquakes and tidal waves. Human beings will become mentally unbalanced, because they will not be able to eat or sleep. Faced with danger, they will throw themselves off the precipice en masse, completely mad.”

“What I am affirming in this book is a prophecy that will be fulfilled very soon, because I am sure of the end of the planet; I know it.”

“I am not frightening but warning, because I am anguished by this poor humanity. These events will not be long in coming, and there is no time to waste with illusory things.”



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