For practitioners of the Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry, the simple way of laying on of hands is clearly described in the Scriptures. Jesus and the early apostles and disciples prayed and touched those asking for healing. Sometimes they even anointed with a healing oil. This prayer, touching, and anointing actually became a common practice among early Christian healers. But what exactly happens when we reach out in faith to heal others? In observing Christian healers, I have noticed several “steps” in their healing work.

Although the steps may seem simple at first, there is a depth to be discovered for the practitioner.

There are basically four steps to performing a simple form of laying on of hands:

1. Centered

2. Intention


4. Treatment

It is important to prepare the person who is going to receive healing. Get permission to play, tell the person what he is going to do, and encourage feedback as you go.

Centered Y Intention they are your inner preparation to do the healing work. Take time to breathe and remember that you are connecting with God, your Source, through your heart center. It is through the heart that we access the healing power of God. Then set his intention for the highest good of this individual.

Evaluation is determining what to do. There are many ways to decide what to do. It really is about your abilities to listen and observe with your eyes, and to feel and feel with your hands and spirit. These skills develop the more you use them.

Treatment it is being open to the power of God flowing through your hands and your heart. Your being is a channel, a conduit or facilitator for the flow of divine energy. Treatment is simply being an instrument for God’s healing grace. In the simple form of the laying on of hands, we approach in a spirit of trust, placing our hands gently on the shoulders or head of the person seeking healing or holding our hands slightly apart from the body.

That is all? Actually, there is much more that can be said about this simple 4-step method. Science is actually explaining what happens on a cellular level when we connect with our Divine Source and come from a heart intention to do good. There are chemical messengers that circulate throughout the body making changes to the body’s chemistry. From a vibrational standpoint, touching or simply being in someone’s energy field produces changes. Have we learned some ways to facilitate someone’s healing in the last thousand years? Yes, but in the end it all comes down to these 4 steps. Are there programs in Christian healing that teach how to do more than just the laying on of hands?

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