I once heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So I ask how crazy am I? How many of us get stuck in a rut in a pattern and can’t understand and wonder why things never change? We become like those hamsters on the wheel of life. We do more, we run more, but we can never get off the wheel to change our patterns. Getting off the wheel of madness would mean changing, reflecting on oneself and finding out “why” we are in this mad mode and who is it serving. In relationships, at work, in everyday life – we get into these relationships and the pattern is that everything is going well for 6 weeks, 3 months and then we feel like things are falling apart. The pattern returns, we feel that we are not. Being treated as we should.

We complain about it, we don’t like how it feels, but still we continue with the dance of madness. Same thing at work, a coworker treats us unfairly – we feel unfairly treated but we don’t say anything to correct this behavior and live in our TRUTH, but we hope they don’t treat us like that again. What are the chances that the pattern of madness will continue? I would say the possibilities are great. You ask how we stop the pattern? How do we get out of the hamster wheel? Speaking our TRUTH, affirming that the bosses no longer serve us and that we want to end the madness; The madness. We can say these words in a kind and gentle way so that we are understood and taken seriously.

We must first recognize and reflect on our patterns; this is the most difficult to do as it requires self reflection. Once we recognize the pattern, the abuse, then we can get off the wheel of madness and live in peace once more. Peace is what I wish for each one of you!

Remember, may today’s possibilities excite us all!

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