People who play computer games learn the type (genre) that interests them. Then, they select options that fit the genre before buying. But, a person who wishes to give a computer game to a family member or friend may want to watch the receiver’s game to minimize the risk of giving the wrong type.

Computer game genres include: combat, adventure, fantasy, strategy, sports, simulations, and teaching. While it’s not a complete list of genres, these guys are in the top ten. The combat mainly attracts children. They often include violence, anger, and realistic carnage. Look for an age rating and parental feedback on the game and especially get the approval of a young person’s parents before giving away such a game. Realize that repetitive use mimics repetitive teaching.

An adventure game can attract boys or girls, and they tend to follow the same adventure lines found in movies about pirates, secret agents, or lost worlds. In game form, experience an adventure instead of just watching the movie. Fantasy does the same in a mythical setting that can include wizards, witches, dragons, hobbits, zombies, etc. Experience the competition with a sports game. Games are aligned with a particular sport, such as soccer, and sometimes allow a player to play the role of a favorite royal sports figure.

A simulation game teaches and allows the player to experience power up and use of the equipment. For example, you can play the experience of getting on a Cessna 172 aircraft, turning it on, and then flying it. This simulation realistically shows the player how to operate the aircraft and simulates the flight. A strategy game goes further to immerse the player in a world setting (or fantasy world). Generally played online, the strategy pits the player against the powerful computer that the game producer uses to apply artificial intelligence to defeat the player. This type often takes days and perhaps months to complete. The player combines his wits with the computer in a real setting, until he or she decides to stop. The player thinks about the strategy after the game ends, if the game was challenging and fun. The player can research new techniques and form a plan for their next move to defeat the computer when the game is resumed.

Match the genre of computer games to the player before gifting a game to a family member or friend. You could become someone’s hero. # Tag1writer

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