Now that some or all of the fabric of someone’s life has been removed, they could be in pretty bad shape. In a way, it could be like they’re on dry land and now they’re trying to keep their heads above water.

To be clear, your emotional self will be all over the place and it may be difficult for you to think clearly. Also, their sense of identity might have more or less disappeared, making them feel completely lost.

an analogy

What they have been through will be very similar to what happens to an ice cube dropped into warm water. Before you put it in the water, it will be a solid object, but when you put it in the water, it will lose its solidity.

However, while it will be clear why the ice cube has melted, what will not be clear is why one is experiencing life in this way. It could make absolutely no sense to whoever it is and since this is how it is, what they’re going through could be terrifying.

back in time

Before all this happened, they may have had a pretty ‘normal’ life. For example, they might have had a fairly rewarding job, spend a good amount of time with friends, socialize, and even have several different hobbies.

This is not to say that they always felt good about themselves or that they always experienced inner peace, but their inner world might not have caused them too much trouble. Then there would have been nothing inside them that would have created the impression that they were going through a difficult time.

just as surprised

In addition to being surprised by what is happening, the people in your life may also have a hard time understanding what is happening. At the same time, one might try to hide what is happening from the people in his life.

This could happen by not going out as much or responding to messages or calls. Some of the people in your life might take it personally, believing that they themselves have done something wrong.

The ideal

If you don’t try to hide what you’re going through, or just can’t hide what you’re going through, it will be easier for you to get the help you need. If they don’t receive any support, they could easily go over the edge and call time in their current incarnation.

One will be in a very vulnerable position and may need a lot of support to get back on their feet once again. Also, what they are going through will not be resolved overnight, so they will need to call on all the strength and courage within them to come through to the other side.

a key component

It has been said that where there is a will there is a way, and one will have to stay connected with their will to live. This will play a major role in allowing you to inch past what may currently seem insurmountable and live a life worth living.

When it comes to raising a functional child, it has been said that you need a village. It won’t take a town for them to get through this, but it will take a certain kind of support that their friends may not be able to provide, and even if they can support them, they may not know what that is. they actually need to be able to move forward.

Two worlds

That said, the big question is: why has someone gone from a seemingly united human being to someone who has literally fallen apart? From someone who was a productive, and even highly capable, member of society, to someone who just can’t function or even do basic tasks anymore?

The reason this happened could be because his unresolved childhood trauma was triggered, causing his false self to come crashing down. The self they had would have been built on sand.

The trigger

If they were to think about what was going on in their life before they fell apart, they might find that they experienced a loss of some sort. Maybe they lost their job, lost a loved one, and/or had a breakup.

After this happened, it would have been as if they had a self-destruct button and this button had been pressed. Like Humpty Dumpty, they would have fallen apart.

slightly different

Then again, it may not be this black and white as they might have fallen apart over a certain period of time. They would then have experienced a series of losses, each one wearing them down.

Like the straw that broke the camel’s back, it would have only taken one small thing to bring them down. Some or all of the external structure that had kept their trauma at bay for so many years and allowed them to function would be gone.

Way back

What this might illustrate is that his early years were a time when his developmental needs were rarely, if ever, met. By not receiving the love and care they need to go through each developmental task, it would have caused them a lot of pain and prevented them from growing.

This would have stopped them from developing a strong core (sense of self) and the ability to manage their own emotions, among other things. Years would have passed and they might have seemed fine on the outside, but they would have had to develop a false self that would allow them to keep their trauma at bay.

the clock was ticking

Disconnecting from her pain, or her body to be more exact, would have been the only way to survive. If this had not happened, the pain they were in would have ended their lives.

The external structure that surrounded them from then until their adulthood would have played a key role in their ability to manage life and hold it together. But even though what happened had been forgotten by his conscious mind, his unconscious mind hadn’t forgotten and this part of them would have been trying to get his conscious mind’s attention.


For years, the defenses they had in place would have kept most of this pain at bay, but like a wall that breaks after a certain amount of pressure has been exerted, the energy (or emotional material) in your body would have been gradually reduced. broke through his defenses. Like a wave, this energy will have consumed your being.

If one can relate to this and is ready to change their life, they may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be done with the help of a therapist or healer.

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