Address a potential employer’s request for the job candidate’s Facebook login information?

A recent syndicated article has been circulating, addressing the practice of employers asking prospective employees to provide their Facebook username and password during the initial interview process. The article is titled “Can Employers Legally Ask You For Your Facebook Password When You Apply For A Job?” Why Congress and states should outlaw this practice.” As …

Demystifying Japanese Cell Phone Jargon – Kaomoji, Emoji and Decomail

It’s hard enough trying to keep up with the latest English terminology and slang around the use of mobes, the UK’s preferred unpleasantly ugly term for mobile phones (mobe is short for mobile phones), but with the Japanese terms keitai (that’s the Japanese slang for cell phone) now appearing in the English language, us old …

Beats per minute and beats per measure – the two important BPM of every song!

When should the dancer begin leading their partner in their six or eight count footwork once the swing music begins? The answer is that he should start leading her on any of the strong beats in the song; that is, on the count of “1”, the count of “3”, the count of “5”, or the …