What do Martin L King, Gandhi and Mother Teresa have in common with you?

If you live long enough, you will meet great leaders. Most people believe that leaders are born and few believe that they themselves can become some kind of leader.I am now a believer that the old axiom, “leaders are born, not made” is false. Leadership is not easy, but it can be learned. Leadership is …

Sinus infection symptoms – What are the symptoms of a sinus infection? – Secrets of nurses

If you’re worried right now that you might have a sinus infection, there are a few symptoms to look for or recognize that will let you know you probably have one. Sinus infection symptoms can often be confused with having a cold or assuming that one is allergic to something. The symptoms can sometimes be …

An overview of alternative treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Since many would prefer to avoid the use of stimulant medications for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder if possible, an increasing need has developed over the last twenty years to develop alternative treatments for ADD ADHD. Although there are many products that claim to help any child with ADD ADHD, the truth is …