Since many would prefer to avoid the use of stimulant medications for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder if possible, an increasing need has developed over the last twenty years to develop alternative treatments for ADD ADHD. Although there are many products that claim to help any child with ADD ADHD, the truth is that there are only a few non-drug treatments for attention deficit disorder that have actually undergone even the simplest of clinical trials. Most alternative treatments have never been thoroughly studied for their real-world effectiveness. Our four favorite non-drug treatments for attention deficit disorder have been studied in the real world. They are behavior modification therapy, nutraceutical drugs called “Attend” and “Extress”, brainwave biofeedback training, and food or dietary interventions. Counseling can have positive benefits in certain circumstances, such as the therapist’s ability to work with people with ADD ADHD. Most therapists have little experience working with this population. “Attend” and “Extress” are great alternatives to prescription stimulant medications. They are very complex formulas, designed to optimize brain function in people who experience problems with attention, impulse control, temper, paying attention, or overactivity. EEG Biofeedback training, also called Neurofeedback, is a technology of about twenty years. With the continued development of ever faster computers, it has become a viable alternative treatment for attention deficit disorder. There is a lot of research on EEG Biofeedback that you should read if you are interested. The EEG Spectrum website for great information on this treatment option. Feeding programs or dietary interventions can also have a positive impact on people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although we do not believe that this intervention is as effective as Attend and Extress training or EEG Biofeedback, we believe that everyone with ADHD should try a dietary intervention. Many people with ADD ADHD will also benefit from nutritional supplements. The most effective are probably Essential Fatty Acids (Omega Oils) and certain minerals such as Zinc. Essential fatty acids are found in the nutraceutical “Attend”. They can also be found in flax seed oil or borage oil. They can also be found in fish, and you can simply feed your child more tuna.

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