In late 2010, the third expansion, Cataclysm, for World of Warcraft was released. It caused devastation across the world, leaving huge scars on old areas and creating new areas and adventures for players. In Cataclysm, the World of Warcraft economy continues to be fueled by rare trade goods like Embersilk, Pyrite, Twilight Jasmine, and Savage Leather. Players spend hours farming these items just to sell them for profit.

However, most players no longer enjoy farming in these areas. Although easy to get to, Mt. Hyjal, Vashj’ir, and the Twilight Highlands are mostly ghost towns. However, the farmers remain, flying over the landscape carefully searching for herbs, mineral nodes, beasts, elementals, and humanoids to kill.

Farming in Cataclysm

Farming in Cataclysm is not much different than farming on the other continents and expansion worlds. The big difference, I would say, is the way the new areas are laid out. Instead of having a new continent like in Mists of Pandaria or Wrath of the Lich King, there are several new zones scattered throughout the area. Including Uldum, which is in the far south of Kalimdor, or the Twilight Highlands, which is in the north of the Eastern Kingdoms. These areas are accessible to almost anyone, though low level characters will die upon seeing them.

If you are level 80 or higher, you have the opportunity to use the resources found in these zones to fortify the gold in your bank account. Skinners will collect Wild Leather, Herbalists will collect Twilight Jasmine, and Miners will farm Pyrite, Obsidium, and Elementium ores.

Embers Silk Cloth

Farming Embersilk is one of the most profitable ways to make gold in Cataclysm. It’s all about tracking and killing humanoids between level 80 and 85. They drop Embersilk and you sell it at the auction house.

To effectively farm Ember Silk Cloth, you must be a level 400 tailor and have the Northrend Cloth Scavenger skill, which can be found at any tailoring trainer once you are level 325. As long as you have this skill and you are level 400, you will also find more Embersilk than humanoids in the new Cataclysm zones.

To improve your harvest, you can also use Potion of Treasure Find, which will increase the chances of you finding valuable items from the monsters you farm. If you are an alchemist you can make this yourself or if you have some extra gold you can buy it from the auction house.

There are three really cool places to farm Embersilk. The first is in Deepholme at Verok’s Stand. The little trogs drop tons of Embersilk and are found all over this area. The second place to find it is in Tol’Barad in the Restless Front (southwest of the area). You’ll find restless heroes dropping Embersilk like there’s no tomorrow. However, you will have to defend yourself from PvP encounters.

The third place to farm Embersilk is in the Twilight Highlands of Glopgut Ogres. It is located in the northwestern part of the area to the right of Vermillio’s Redoubt on the minimap.

Embersilk sells very fast during the Cataclysm expansion, but in Mists of Pandaria it sells much slower. Check the prices at your auction house before you farm too much of these things.

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