From novices to experts, from ceremonial magicians to warlocks, everyone worries about the unintended consequences of magic. An unintended consequence is that a spell can backfire. Backfiring spells can have a myriad of different causes. They can also have a variety of different results, from benign to disastrous. Arming yourself with the facts about backfiring spells is the first step in protecting yourself from them.

What makes a spell backfire?

The most common cause of a backfiring spell is an inexperienced spell caster. Someone untrained in the magical arts will surely cause spells to fail. With the advent of the internet and DIY books on magic, it has become increasingly common for the uninitiated to dabble in casting. As a result, the unwanted results of backfiring spells have increased. The first step, therefore, in preventing a spell from failing is to find an experienced spell caster or train competently in magic. Keep in mind that the latter option will realistically take years, so if you intend to become a witch, wizard, or spell caster, be prepared for a long journey.

The second most common reason for a spell to fail is junk magic. What I mean by junk magic is that the spell is essentially cosmic junk. Spells that combine incompatible or opposite energies, for example, are more likely to fail than those that combine compatible energies. Incompatible material ingredients are also likely to cause a spell to backfire. The famous occultist Henry Cornelius Agrippa discussed at length the compatibilities and incompatibilities of physical materials and energy; anyone looking for an extensive list of these should consult his Three Books of Occult Philosophy.

Just as the Internet has facilitated a surge of inexperienced do-it-yourself casters, it has also spread countless junk spells. Anyone can look up detailed instructions on how to cast spells, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) most of these are junk spells. Far from being inert, however, these spells often have unintended consequences and backfire. The combination of inexperienced casters using junk spells is particularly bad, and it’s easy to see how success rarely arises from such a combination.

Opposing magic is an existing, but rarer, cause of spell failure. This is best illustrated with an example. If an individual casts a curse on someone protected with a warding spell, this will take into account that the curse is more likely to backfire. The two factors mentioned above, the caster’s experience and the harmony of the magic, are typically the ones that will affect the success of two contested spells. The more powerful the caster and the better the spell, the more likely it is to triumph over an opposing spell.

The type of spell will also affect the chance that it will fail. Not to be confused with junk magic, this refers to harmonious spells of different types. For example, curses are more likely to backfire than protection spells. Factors that go into this include the difficulty of the spell and whether the spell is meant to manipulate others in any way. The harder the spell is to cast, the more likely it is to backfire. And if your spell has to challenge another’s will, it’s more likely to backfire.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of causes for spells to backfire, just the most common causes. The caster’s astrological sign, location, time of day, and even mood can influence the degree to which a spell can backfire. Understanding all the potential influences and compensating for them is a monumental task, which highlights the need for spell casting experience.

What happens when a spell fails?

One result of a backfiring spell is that it simply won’t work. This is the most benign of the consequences, as it produces no adverse effect on the caster. When inexperienced spell casters find that magic doesn’t work for them, it’s often the result of a backfiring spell. While this is not a consequence to be alarmed about, it is important to note that this is not the only potential result of a backfiring spell.

A spell that fails can also cause the opposite result of the initial intent. For example, a love spell that backfires can cause the caster to dislike the target. Instead of causing love as initially intended, the failed love spell caused disgust or hate. The implications here are profound; a backfiring curse could damage the caster, while a backfiring protection spell could make you even more vulnerable.

Backfiring spells can also deal damage. Unlike causing the opposite result of the spell, all backfiring spells have the potential to damage the caster. This is because energy is inherently volatile and manipulation of any type of energy is potentially dangerous. Even seemingly harmless spells, such as those intended to protect, can backfire and harm an inexperienced caster.

Oh! How do I avoid backfiring spells?

The only sure way to avoid the counterproductive effects of spells is experience and training. Professional witches, ceremonial magicians, and occultists undergo initiation and years of training before casting spells. There is virtually no danger or risk of failure if the pitcher is experienced. Therefore, people should look for trained magical professionals instead of taking the do-it-yourself approach.

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