Find out the amazing benefits of blueberries for weight loss, how best to prepare them, and how much to eat to get the maximum benefit from blueberries, one of nature’s amazing fat burning foods.

Blueberries are native plants to North America, and have been cultivated and harvested since the days when Native Americans dried them in the sun and smoked them to preserve them through the long winter months.

Historical records indicate that settlers in the United States used to boil blueberries in milk to create the gray paint they used to paint their buildings. Additionally, Shaker’s buildings were painted a blue color that is derived from the mixture of blueberries, indigo, sage, and milk.

Blueberries are one of the most popular fruits, including different types of berries, in the United States, second only to strawberries, which are the most popular berries in the United States.

Almost 90% of all blueberry cultivation anywhere in the world occurs in North America.

Blueberries range from the size of a pea to the size of a dime, with giant versions even larger than that. Wild blueberry varieties tend to be smaller. Although blueberries are full of tiny seeds, their small size makes them almost undetectable. Blueberries tend to be intensely blue, so deep that they are almost black.

Fat Burning Benefits of Blueberries

One of the best things about blueberries is that they are antioxidants. This means that they contain phonolics and tocyanin that fight free radical damage in your body. Ultimately, this helps fight fat.

The substance called anthocyanin, which is found in cranberry (this makes it have its dark blue hue) is considered the main factor in the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of cranberries. In addition, they provide a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium along with vitamins C and K.

Blueberries contain a large amount of arginine, which is an extremely important substance that helps the body maintain its cellular energy and also helps the body fight obesity.

The cellulose in blueberries makes you feel full and curbs cravings.

Blueberries contain vitamin C, which is helpful in stimulating carnitine, an amino acid produced by the body that gives your metabolism a good boost.

In addition, blueberries have a low concentration of glycemic carbohydrates that are gently and gradually transformed into sugar. This sugar is not produced in a high enough amount to raise insulin levels.

Interestingly, the cranberry is related to the cranberry.

Blueberries contain tannins. This substance helps clean the digestive system and prevent the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.

In a cup of blueberries, there are five grams of fiber and only eighty calories.

Blueberries make a great snack any time of the day or night. They do not contain sodium, cholesterol or fat and can be eaten raw.

Proper Blueberry Preparation

If you want to get the most nutrients and fat burning properties, you should consume blueberries in their natural and raw state. Ideally, choose organic blueberries.

Because they have a short shelf life, you only need to buy the amount that you will eat in two to three days. Frozen berries are another option.

Find firm, dry, smooth-skinned blueberries that have a deep purple-blue hue. You will notice that they have a light layer of dust on their skin. This helps them last a little longer than other types of berries.

Blueberries are best eaten within the first week, although they can keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. It is possible to freeze them by placing them on a cookie sheet in a single layer. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer. After they are frozen firmly, wrap them in plastic.

When you use the freeze method, you can buy blueberries during the period of time that they are in season, which is also when they are not too expensive. By doing this, you will have them on hand for those rainy days.

Blueberries stay in season for eight to nine months out of the year.

Take them as is or pair them with yogurt for a delicious healthy treat. Try making a blueberry soy milk smoothie. Mix in some protein powder for added nutrition. Toss some blueberries into your salad to enhance the flavor and color!

You can enjoy blueberries in a marinade for poultry and meat or turn them into jams and jellies. They can also be baked in the form of a cake or just squeezed. Dried cranberries are a healthy snack. You can also sprinkle them over your grain cereal or granola.

How big is a recommended serving of blueberries?

A single cup is a good serving size.

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