As I was searching for the best way to get rid of my thick midsection, I noticed that so-called nutrition “experts” seem to disagree on what are the best foods to help melt fat, as well as gain overall good health.

I’m here to tell you that in my experience, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that I don’t need to stick to any of the “fad diets”… low carb here, low fat there. for ideas I’ve always had ripped abs, they were just hiding under a layer of stubborn thick body fat…not anymore! I believe that balance has been the key to my success along with a diet of whole foods and nutrition based. Let’s face facts here; It’s today’s heavy processing of food that is causing our system to go haywire.

OK, here it is… the following is what the experts told me to do, which I followed with great success:

1) Getting enough good protein in your diet is a good thing. Not only are you satisfied longer without wanting to knock over a candy store, but it’s the springboard for building and maintaining muscle mass. The amount of lean muscle you carry is said to be one of the main factors in controlling your metabolism.

2) Fiber is next on the list. There is a good source of fiber in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Try to avoid refined sugars and refined grains, it’s one of the treats I’ve had to cut out of my daily routine and one of the reasons many people struggle with body fat. Like protein, fiber also helps fill you up.

3) Next is, don’t cut fat completely from your diet… little did I know, it can negatively affect your hormone level, as well as cause cravings. Experts say “try to eat enough healthy fats every day.” Once I figured out what they were talking about, I was happy to go along. Some of the great foods I like that have the fats the experts talk about are: avocados (great on grilled chicken sandwiches), olive oil (when cooking), nuts (one of my favorite snacks), and eggs (perfect to start the day).

4) There are two things that I learned that were a little more difficult to follow, but I set a goal for myself and was willing to follow it to the end. Many processed foods have the next good taste, but are unpalatable for the junk they contain.

– high fructose corn syrup: in most of the sweetened products that exist.

– Artificial trans fats: margarines, shortening and hydrogenated oils that seem to have found their way into most of the processed foods we eat today.

I learned that if I followed these 4 guidelines, I, too, could lose the stubborn fat that made me hesitate to take my shirt off in public. There is much more to share with you, but old age has taken its toll on my memory. I would like to share with you where I learned about nutrition and, in turn, I lost the flab that covered my abdomen.

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