In the East, different types of mushrooms and plants are used to make medicines. Among all the plants and herbs, reishi mushrooms are quite popular. The reason is that it offers many health benefits, such as fighting cancer and boosting immunity. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the main benefits of reishi mushrooms.

Introduction to Reishi mushroom

Reishi mushroom is also called lingzhi and Ganoderma lucidum. In Asia, it is a type of mushroom that can be found growing in tropical places in Asia. In oriental medicine, this type of mushroom is a staple food. The fungus contains different types of molecules, such as peptidoglycans, polysaccharides, and triterpenoids. These compounds are the reasons mushrooms offer tons of benefits.

Although it is common to eat the mushrooms fresh, some people also use the extracts and the powdered form of the mushrooms. According to many studies, all of these forms passed quality tests. Let’s see some of its main benefits.

1. Boost the immune system

First of all, reishi mushrooms can help you boost your immunity. Although some details still require further investigation, test-tube studies have concluded that reishi may have an impact on white blood cell genes. These cells play an important role when it comes to your immunity.

In addition, some forms of this fungus can cause changes in the inflammation pathways of blood cells. For example, according to research studies, some molecules in this fungus can stimulate natural killer cells. These cells are responsible for fighting infection in your body.

Also, this mushroom extract can stimulate white blood cell production in people fighting colorectal cancer. While most of these benefits have been seen in sick people, some studies show that the extract may also be beneficial for healthy people.

In another study, it was found that the mushroom can stimulate lymphocyte function that helps fight cancer and infections. But other studies found that it may not improve immune function in healthy adults.

2. Anti-cancer properties

Since reishi mushrooms have cancer-fighting properties, many people also use them for cancer treatment. In fact, one study found that more than 4,000 cancer survivors had consumed this mushroom. Additionally, many test-tube studies have found that consuming these mushrooms can cause cancer cells to die.

However, these studies are not enough to say that animals and humans can benefit from it. Some research studies found that reishi can benefit people with prostate cancer. According to a case study, researchers found that molecules from this fungus can help reverse prostate cancer symptoms in men.

3. It can help fight fatigue and depression

In addition to the cancer fighting properties of reishi mushrooms, it can also help fight fatigue and depression. According to a study involving 132 people with neurasthenia, the mushroom helped fight fatigue and depression after 8 weeks of use. In another study, patients experienced a reduction in symptoms of fatigue and depression after 4 weeks of regular use.

In short, this was an introduction to some of the main benefits of reishi mushroom.

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