Hunza diet: eat raw vegetables and little meat to gain longevity

The Hunza diet is a dietary program based on the famous Pakistani people in the Hunza river valley in the Himalayas, called Hunzacuts. This indigenous group is popular for its diet due to its reputation for long life, with maximum life expectancies of 120 to 140. This makes the Hunza diet attractive to people who …

How to mess up your personal account statement for graduate school or professional applications

When you applied as an undergraduate student, your personal statement probably didn’t make much of a difference, because undergraduate admissions are largely based on numbers (GPA, test scores, etc.). Graduate and career school admissions are different! Your competitors will have test scores and grades similar to yours, because most people who are motivated to earn …

Puganese dog

Puganese’s country of origin is China and it belongs to toy bread. He weighs about 14 pounds and is between 6 and 9 inches tall. The Puganese is a double-coated breed. The outer coat is flamboyant, long and smooth with abundant plumage. The undercoat is soft and plush in texture. They come in a wide …

Paying College Athletes: Why It Should Be Done And How To Do It

For quite some time, there has been a great debate about whether or not college athletes should be paid. Some people believe that a scholarship should be a sufficient payment. After all, a scholarship can easily be worth $ 15,000 to $ 25,000 or more per year, plus a career after college that can be …