Product Review – Panasonic EP3222 Shiatsu Massage Chair

We will focus on the EP-3222 massage chair from Panasonic. The EP3222 is part of the Real Pro Elite series of massage chairs. This massage lounger is one of the luxury models produced by Panasonic. It includes some advanced technology features, such as a body scan to customize the massage for each individual user. We’ll …

Mobile Gaming Industry: Building Big Business from Small Devices

In 2007, Apple Inc. gave a whole new meaning to mobile technology by launching its flagship device: the first-generation iPhone. The device acted as a boon to an otherwise growing mobile game development industry with a “snail speed“Later, in 2008, the Internet giant Google also released”Android OS“and this eventually started an application war, and the …

Integrate t-shirt design software with your business and offer more options to customers

There was a time when we had to venture out of the house and visit a nearby store to purchase the product of our choice. We had to do a lot of shopping to find our favorite product if the nearby market did not have well-stocked retailers. Our situation improved when the shopping malls happened …