8 Tech Tools You Should Use to Grow Your Business

Every business has its own unique technology needs and requirements. However, with so many technology tools available, how do you know which ones are best for your business? As someone who lives and breathes digital marketing, I have used various tools and programs to expand my marketing tasks and keep track of specific projects. It …

Top DevOps Trends for 2017 and Beyond

The increasing reliance of the software delivery market on DevOps practices demonstrates that DevOps will continue to emerge as a standard practice for software development. By enabling the culture and practices that see teams responsible for software engineering and operations work closely together as a unit, DevOps is helping businesses—both enterprises and startups—get up to …

Using rebrandable eBooks to build your subscription list

Webmasters and ezine publishers struggle daily to find new content on hot topics for their websites and ezines. They want to give or sell this information to their insatiable audiences. Knowledge grows exponentially, and there is a great demand for the latest of that knowledge to be boiled down into digestible pieces. Ebooks are a …