Wonder Boy Facial Honey – Manuka Honey Facial Gel

Active manuka honey is a natural item derived from New Zealand, Australia. Since its discovery, manuka honey facial gels and manuka honey skin lotions have been all the rage. Manuka honey tends more to be natural and unrefined because its home is the green fields that stretch to the horizon. Able to soothe sensitive or …

Home remedies for a yeast infection – Do they really work?

Women all over the world have experienced the terrible yeast infection. Sometimes it’s just unavoidable and can get out of hand if not addressed right away. The key to reducing yeast symptoms and stress is finding yeast home remedies. They are simple, cheap and quickly and ineffectively help to care for your thrush. Every woman …

Asian Makeup Tips: How to Apply Eye Makeup in the Best Way

Figuring out the perfect eye makeup look requires a lot of experimentation. Our Asian eye makeup tips will give you the guidance you need to find the perfect colors for you. Asian women have always used black pencils to define and sculpt their eyes. However, Asian eye makeup is available in a wide variety of …

Perfect Match – The narcissist marries a borderline personality

When a narcissist chooses a marital partner, they ensure that this person adoringly follows their lead in all aspects of their lives. The narcissist expects to be perfectly reflected, to receive from his partner: absolute loyalty, flattery, compliance, selfless service. There is an unspoken understanding that the narcissist will never admit to mistakes, nor should …

ITP: 15 Steps to Help Low Blood Platelets With Food, Supplements, and Lifestyle Changes

I and many other natural practitioners strongly believe that ITP and cancer are all related to some degree. They all stem from chronic inflammation and a breakdown of the immune system. The body is a complete organism and wages all-out war against any possible culprits or offenders. In addition to taking things to improve our …