Dallas "Ocean prime" It should be on your short list of the best restaurants in North Texas

There’s something to be said about visiting a five-star restaurant when the city is in the grip of an ice storm: the other scheduled patrons have canceled their reservations to hide under padded sheets tending a hot toddy; and so the chef and his staff, having braved the ghastly weather themselves to bravely show up …

Beverly Hills Hotel Guide: An Overview of the Best Luxury Hotels and Budget Accommodations

Despite its reputation for being a high-class area with designer stores and multi-million dollar homes, Beverly Hills doesn’t have to be an expensive place to visit. There are a variety of Beverly Hills hotels located near all the shops and restaurants. The neighborhood is located approximately nine miles west of downtown Los Angeles. There are …

Book Review – Knockout: The Sexy, Violent and Extraordinary Life of Vikki LaMotta

Right off the bat, I must say that I was prejudiced against publishing this book. In the mid-1980s, Vikki LaMotta, who was a good friend of mine, asked me if I would write her biography. At the time I was busy working on a novel and I told him I couldn’t do it. Then he …

4 Reasons Palm Springs Is The Ideal Destination For Spa Getaways

There are many beautiful places around the world that are ideal for wonderful spa getaways, yet Palm Springs in California remains one of the most popular, especially for those who live in the United States. Here are four great reasons this hot spot could be the perfect relaxing getaway for you, too. First of all, …