How to choose a trademark attorney?

Trademark attorneys are those people who are well versed in trademark laws and help business organizations and individuals protect their trademarks, brand dress and intellectual property rights. They are usually employed by medium and large scale business organizations that assist organizations in all legal matters related to trademarks and patents. These people also provide legal …

Tags and Categories: Does your child have “special needs”?

It’s a drama that is played over and over again in every city in the country, sometime between preschool and second grade. A child’s teachers are concerned that the child is not performing at the expected level and ask the parents to speak with the child’s doctor. The parents reluctantly bring it up at the …

Managers: “What exactly does ‘Pay and Terms’ mean in employment?

A frequently asked question when it comes to personnel management is: “We always hear about following the law in terms of ‘pay and conditions’, but what exactly are ‘pay and conditions’ and where does the law fit in? “ The following is a helpful summary of the main payment areas and terms covered, as well …

Baseball needs to broaden recognition of its Latin American past

Major League Baseball recently celebrated Roberto Clemente Day, honoring the Hall of Fame outfielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates by displaying the number 21 in every ballpark. A selection of candidates to receive the Roberto Clemente Award was also made by each of the thirty teams. The event was designed as a way to commemorate a …