Millennials want it all and they want it NOW

The generation born between 1984 and 2004 (this is only a rough estimate, considering that most generations are classified in 20-year increments) are dismissively referred to as Millennials. Generation Y, also known as Generation Me, is possibly the generation we like the least in our most recent history. The word “titled” is probably the first …

7 practical strategies for a greater impact on social media

With the growing spread of social options for building brand awareness, do you know where you should hang out? It’s impossible to be everywhere, so pick two or three platforms where your clients and prospects are hanging out and posting, sharing, and commenting regularly. To get the most out of your efforts, here are my …

Top Ad Blocking Solutions Publishers Can Use To Bypass Ad Blocking

615 million devices. Yes, you heard that right! 615 million global devices now use adblock and that’s 30% more year over year, according to Pagefair’s 2017 Adblock report, mobile adblock usage grew by 108 million to reach 380 million active devices, while usage of desktop adblock grew by 34 million to reach 236 million assets. …

The Myth of the Peer Level Uncovered: The Method Nobody Uses (Except Hospitals)

Story One: The keynote speaker at a recent APICS (American Inventory and Production Control Society) regional meeting featured a senior executive from a hospital supplies company, one of the largest in the country. After an informative but somewhat lackluster presentation, during question period, a hand went off. “How are Kanban methods used in your hospital …

Small Business Teleseminar for Satellite Chamber of Commerce Consulting Strategies

Not long ago, I was talking to the president of a local chamber of commerce and it was obvious that the chamber needed some kind of way to quickly deploy advanced information to members. But how could they do that, I wondered? Well, could it be that offering teleseminar could be at least one more …